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NCL Graphics: Trajectories

traj_1.ncl: A simple trajectory plot. Each trajectory is a different color for clarity, and every fourth time step is marked with a circle. The start of each trajectory is marked with a green circle.

A Python version of this projection is available here.

traj_2.ncl: Each portion of the trajectory is now colored by a separate scalar field.

RGBtoCmap will take an external RGB file and create a colormap out of it.

GetFillColor will assign a color based upon an input scalar variable.

traj_3.ncl:This is a unique example of using multiple xy plots overlaid on each other to simulate a 3D environment. The angle of the eye view is calculated using the fortran program particle.f. To change the angle at which the plot is viewed, change the values of angle_x, angle_y, and angle_z in particle.f. The "" file was compiled using WRAPIT:

WRAPIT particle.f

This technique was developed by Chin-hoh Moeng of MMM.

polyg_14.ncl: Draws a line on an existing map between two points on the globe using two different methods: (a) Setting mpGreatCircleLinesOn=True, (b) using gc_latlon to create a great circle path between two locations. Uses gsn_add_polyline to add the polyline. Any map projection can be used.

A Python version of this projection is available here.

annotate_4.ncl: This example shows how to create a hurricane track and annotate it with a custom legend.

The gsn_create_legend function is used to create the legend, and gsn_add_annotation attaches it to the map.

gsn_add_text, gsn_add_polyline, gsn_add_polymarker are used to draw the hurricane tracks.

This script was contributed by Yongzuo Li from the University of Oklahoma.

unique_1.ncl: A real world plot showing the best tracks for a given season storms, including all data (subtropical storms, depressions, extratropical lows, etc).

This script was written by Dr. Jonathan Vigh.