Cumulative distribution functions

cdfbin_p Calculates the binomial density of a cumulative distribution function.
cdfbin_pr Calculates the probability of success of each trial of a cumulative distribution function.
cdfbin_s Calculates the number of successes of a cumulative distribution function.
cdfbin_xn Calculates the number of binomial trials of a cumulative distribution function.
cdfchi_p Calculates the integral of a cumulative chi-square distribution function.
cdfchi_x Calculates the upper limit of integration of a cumulative chi-square distribution function.
cdfgam_p Calculates the integral of a cumulative gamma distribution function.
cdfgam_x Calculates the upper limit of integration of a cumulative gamma distribution function.
cdfnor_p Calculates the integral of a cumulative normal distribution function.
cdfnor_x Calculates the upper limit of integration of a cumulative normal distribution function.