NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > List routines


Specifies the manner in which a variable of type list is to be implemented.


	procedure ListSetType (
		f       : list,    
		option  : string   



One-dimensional variable created by the addfiles function.


Single string that specifies whether the files should be concatenated (option="cat") or joined (option="join"). The default is "cat". Note: The "join" option requires that all dimensions be the same sizes.


ListSetType specifies how the variable of type list will be accessed.

See Also

ListAppend, ListCount, ListGetType, ListIndex, ListIndexFromName, ListPop, ListPush, ListSetType, NewList


Example 1

Read in a series of netCDF files (here, 5 files each with 12 time steps), and read into memory the four dimensional variable T(ntim,klvl,nlat,mlon) where ntim=12, klvl=5, nlat=48, mlon=96:

  diri = "/fs/cgd/data0/casguest/CLASS/"   ; input directory
  fils = systemfunc ("ls "+diri+"ann*.nc") ; file paths

  f    = addfiles (fils, "r")   

  ListSetType (f, "cat")        ; concatenate (default) 
  T    = f[:]->T                ; read T from all files                

  printVarSummary (T)
The printVarSummary procedure yields:
   Variable: T
   Type: float
   Total Size: 5529600 bytes
               1382400 values
   Number of Dimensions: 4
   Dimensions and sizes:   [60] x [5] x [48] x [96]
The size of the time dimension is now 60 (=5*12) while the other dimensions remain the same. Note also, that no metadata has been copied.

Example 2

Here we use the "join" option ("cat" is the default). This adds an extra dimension. As noted in the documentation, the "join" option requires that all dimensions be the same sizes. Here, T(ntim,klvl,nlat,mlon) => T(12,5,48,96) on each file.

  diri = "/fs/cgd/data0/casguest/CLASS/"   ; input directory
  fils = systemfunc ("ls "+diri+"ann*.nc") ; file paths

  f    = addfiles (fils, "r")   

  ListSetType (f, "join")       ; join
  T    = f[:]->T                ; read T from all files
  printVarSummary (T)
The printVarSummary procedure yields:
   Variable: T
   Type: float
   Total Size: 5529600 bytes
               1382400 values
   Number of Dimensions: 5
   Dimensions and sizes:   [5] x [12] x [5] x [48] x [96]