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Calculates an approximating cubic spline for the input data, one 1-dimensional section at a time.


	function csa1x (
		xi         : numeric,  
		yi         : numeric,  
		wts        : numeric,  
		knots  [1] : integer,  
		smth   [1] : numeric,  
		nderiv [1] : integer,  
		xo     [*] : numeric   

	return_val  :  float or double



An array of any dimensionality containing the X coordinates of the input data points. The array must either have the same dimensions as Y or be one-dimensional and have the same dimension as the rightmost dimension of Y (call the rightmost dimension nxi).


An array of any dimensionality (see description of xi) containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.


A scalar or an array of length nxi containing weights for the yi values at the input xi values. If wts is an array, then wts(k) is a weight for the value of yi(...,k) for k=0,nxi-1. If you do not desire to weight the input yi values, then set wts equal to -1. The weights in the wts array are relative and may be set to any non-negative value. When csa1x is called, the weights are summed and the individual weights are normalized so that the weight sum is unity.


The number of knots to be used in constructing the approximation spline. knots must be at least 4. The larger the value for knots, the closer the approximated curve will come to passing through the input function values.


A parameter that controls extrapolation into sparse data regions. If smth is zero, then nothing special is done in sparse data regions. A good first choice for smth is 1.


Specifies whether you want functional values (nderiv=0), first derivative values (nderiv=1), or second derivative values (nderiv=2) to be returned.


A one-dimensional array of length nxo containing the X coordinates of the output curve(s).

Return value

An array containing the calculated functional values. The array has the same dimensionality as yi, but with the rightmost dimension replaced by nxo; it contains functional values for each element of xo.

The array is double if any of the input values is double; otherwise, it is float.


This function is part of the Csagrid package - a software package that implements a cubic spline approximation algorithm to fit a function to input data. The input for the approximation is a set of randomly-spaced data, which may be one-dimensional, two-dimensional, or three-dimensional. The general documentation for Csagrid contains several complete examples.

The following three one-dimensional functions all do the same thing, differing only in the type of the input and output arrays: csa1 (generic input/output); csa1s (single input/output); csa1d (double input/output).

If you want to weight the input data values, calculate derivatives, or handle sparse data areas specially, you should instead use one of these "expanded" functions (note the "x" following the "1" in the name): csa1x (generic input/output); csa1xs (single input/output); csa1xd (double input/output).


;  Define original data.  Note the single double-precision
;    element of xi; it is sufficient to force yo to be double.
  xi = (/0.0d,0.1 , 0.2 , 0.3 ,0.5 ,0.6 ,0.65 , 0.8 , 0.9 ,1. /)
  yi = (/0.0 ,0.8 ,-0.9 ,-0.9 ,0.9 ,1.0 ,0.90 ,-0.8 ,-0.8 ,0. /)
;  Create output X coordinate array.
  npts = 101
  xo   = fspan(0.0 ,1.0 ,npts)
;  Calculate approximated first derivative values.
  knots = 4
  wts = -1.
  smth = 0.
  nderiv = 1
  yo = csa1x(xi,yi,wts,knots,smth,nderiv,xo)
