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Uses tension splines to interpolate unstructured (randomly-spaced) data on a unit sphere to data values on a rectilinear grid.


	function cssgrid (
		rlat [*] : numeric,  
		rlon [*] : numeric,  
		fval     : numeric,  
		plat [*] : numeric,  
		plon [*] : numeric   

	return_val  :  float or double



Arrays containing latitude and longitude values specifying locations of the input data. rlat and rlon are one-dimensional arrays of the same size, specified in degrees. The first three points must not lie on a common great circle.


An array containing data values. fval can have any number of dimensions, but the final dimension must be the same size as that of rlat and rlon. This allows for multiple input datasets defined at the coordinates specified by rlat and rlon.


An array containing the latitudes, in degrees, of the output rectilinear grid.


An array containing the longitudes, in degrees, of the output rectilinear grid.

Return value

An array containing interpolated functional values. The final two dimensions of the output array will be the same sizes as those of plat and plon, respectively; the array element with indices (...,i,j) will be the function value at a grid point having latitude plat(i) and longitude plon(j).

The other dimensions and the dimension sizes of the output array will be the same as the dimensions of fval preceding the final dimension. For example, if fval is a two-dimensional array with dimension sizes 5 and 10, plat is of size 15 and plon is of size 17, then the output array will have three dimensions of sizes 5, 15, and 17, respectively.

The array is double if any of the input values is double; otherwise, it is float.


cssgrid is in the Cssgrid package - a software package that implements a tension spline interpolation algorithm to fit a function to input data randomly spaced on a unit sphere.

Use the cssgrid_Wrap function if metadata retention is desired. The interface is identical.

The general documentation for Cssgrid contains complete examples for entries in the package.

If missing values are detected in the input data, then those values are ignored when calculating the interpolating function.

See Also

cssgrid_Wrap, csstri, csvoro, css2c, csc2s, cssetp, csgetp obj_anal_ic, obj_anal_ic_Wrap, natgrid, natgrid_Wrap, triple2grid, triple2grid2d



  ndata = 1000
  rlat = new(ndata,float)
  rlon = new(ndata,float)
  fval = new(ndata,float)

  do i=0,ndata-1
    rlat(i) =  -90. + 180.*rand()/32767.
    rlon(i) = -180. + 360.*rand()/32767.
  end do
  cartesian = css2c(rlat,rlon)
  fval = cartesian(0,:)^2 + cartesian(1,:)^2 - 0.5*cartesian(2,:)^2

;  Set up the output grid.
  nx = 73
  ny = 143
  plat =  90.*fspan(-1.,1.,nx)
  plon = 180.*fspan(-1.,1.,ny)

;  Calculate the interpolated function values.
  fint = cssgrid(rlat,rlon,fval,plat,plon)

  ; Use cssgrid_Wrap if metadata retention is desired
  ; fint = cssgrid_Wrap(rlat,rlon,fval,plat,plon)
