NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > Regridding


Interpolates a vector quantity from one Gaussian grid to another (with optional truncation).


	procedure g2gshv (
		ua        : numeric,  
		va        : numeric,  
		ub        : float,    ; or double
		vb        : float,    ; or double
		twave [1] : integer   



Vector arrays of 2 or more dimensions whose rightmost two dimensions must be latitude x longitude. The values must be in ascending latitude order.


Vector arrays of 2 or more dimensions whose rightmost two dimensions must be latitude x longitude. Values will be in ascending latitude order. All but the two rightmost dimensions must be the same as all but the two rightmost dimensions of ua and va.

Since g2gshv is a procedure, the user must explicitly preallocate memory for these return arrays.


Scalar integer indicating the optional wave truncation:

    twave = 0 => exact interpolation
    twave > 0 => exact interpolation and triangular truncation at twave
    twave < 0 => exact interpolation, triangular truncation at twave and spectral coefficient tapering (the effect is to smooth the data)


g2gshv interpolates a vector pair from one Gaussian grid (ua,va) to another (ub,vb) (optional truncation) using spherical harmonics (via the Spherepack code). Values will be in ascending latitude order.

Arrays which have dimensions [...] x nlata x nlona should not include the cyclic (wrap-around) points when invoking this procedure. For example, if arrays u and v have dimensions nlata = 64 and nlona = 129, where the "129" represents the cyclic point, then the user should pass the data to g2gshv via:

  z = g2gshv(u(...,0:nlona-2), v(...,0:nlona-2),...)  ; does not include cyclic points

This procedure can only be used on grids that span the globe. It cannot be used for limited area grids.

Please read the caveats that you should be aware of when using spherical harmonic regridding.

Use the g2gshv_Wrap procedure if metadata retention is desired. The interface is identical.

See Also

g2gshv_Wrap, f2foshv, f2fshv, f2gshv, fo2fshv, g2fshv


Example 1

Assume u and v are dimensioned nt x nlat x nlon, and that they are of type float or double.

The code below interpolates from a Gaussian T63 grid (nlat=94, nlon=192) to a Gaussian T42 grid (jlat=64,ilon=128) with triangular truncation at wave 42:

  uNew = new ( (/nt,jlat,ilon/), typeof(u) ) 
  vNew = new ( (/nt,jlat,ilon/), typeof(v) ) 

  g2gshv (u,v, uNew,vNew, 42)

  ; Use g2gshv_Wrap if metadata retention is desired
  ; g2gshv_Wrap (u,v, uNew,vNew, 42)


ier is equal to:

4 or 10 if nlona (ilon) is less than 4
5 or 10 if nlata (jlat) is less than 3
8 if nlonb is less than 4
9 if nlatb is less than 3