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Computes the latitudes and weights used by the Lin-Rood Model.


	function linrood_latwgt (
		nlat [1] : byte, short, integer or long   

	return_val [nlat] :  double



Total number of latitude points. This may be odd or even.

As of version 6.0.0, this can be of type byte, short, integer or long.


This function returns a two dimensional array where the 0th element of the 0th dimension contains the computed latitudes, and the 1st element of the 0th dimension contains the Lin-Rood weights. The returned values are of type double. The weights will sum to 2.0.

See Also



Example 1

Generate Lin-Rood latitudes and weights (type double) for a user specified number of latitudes:

  nlat = 8  

  latwt    = linrood_latwgt(nlat)   
  lat      = latwt(:,0)  ; Lin-Rood latitudes [ascending order] 
  wgt      = latwt(:,1)  ; Lin-Rood weights  


           lat         wgt      sum[wgt]
         -------      ------     -------
    1  -90.00000     0.02507     0.02507
    2  -64.28571     0.19310     0.21817
    3  -38.57143     0.34795     0.56612
    4  -12.85714     0.43388     1.00000
    5   12.85714     0.43388     1.43388
    6   38.57143     0.34795     1.78183
    7   64.28571     0.19310     1.97493
    8   90.00000     0.02507     2.00000

Example 2

Use the doubletofloat function to generate Lin-Rood latitudes and weights (type float) for a user specified number of latitudes:

  nlat     = 24     ; for globe
  latwt    = doubletofloat( linrood_latwgt(nlat) )   
  lat      = latwt(:,0)  ; lat is of type float
  wgt      = latwt(:,1)  ; wgt is of type float