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Calculates the mixing ratio or specific humidity given pressure, temperature and relative humidity.


	function mixhum_ptrh (
		p         : numeric,  
		tk        : numeric,  
		rh        : numeric,  
		iswit [1] : integer   

	return_val [dimsizes(p)] :  numeric



An array of any dimensionality equal to pressure in hPa (mb).


An array of any dimensionality equal to temperature in K. Must be the same size as p.


An array of any dimensionality equal to the percent relative humidity. Must be the same size as p.


An integer scalar that determines which variable is returned. 1 = mixing ratio (kg/kg), 2 = specific humidity (kg/kg). A negative value changes the units to g/kg.

Return value

An array of same size as p. The values will be the mixing ratio or the specific humidity depending upon the value of iswit.


Calculates the mixing ratio or specific humidity given pressure, dew point temperature, and relative humidity. missing values are allowed but ignored.

There is a U.S. National Weather Service online Mixing Ratio Calculator available here.

Note: a bug was fixed in V6.2.1 in which this function wasn't properly recognizing negative "iswit" values.

See Also



Example 1

Wallace and Hobbs [Atmospheric Science: An introductory Survey, Academic Press (p74)] state that at p=1000 [hPa], t=18 [C] and rh=46.5 %, the specific humidity is approximately 6 [g/kg]:

  p  = 1000.           ; hPa
  tk =   18. + 273.15  ; K
  rh =   46.5          ; %

  q = mixhum_ptrh (p, tk, rh, 1) ; q = 0.006018462 (kg/kg) 
  q = mixhum_ptrh (p, tk, rh,-1) ; q = 6.018462    ( g/kg) 

  q = mixhum_ptrh (p, tk, rh, 2) ; q = 0.005982457 (kg/kg) 
  q = mixhum_ptrh (p, tk, rh,-2) ; q = 5.982456    ( g/kg)
Example 2

Consider a sounding with the following values:

  p  =(/ 1008.,  \      ; hPA (mb)
         1000.,950.,900.,850.,800.,750.,700.,650.,600., \
               175.,150.,125.,100., 80., 70., 60., 50. /)

  t  =(/  29.3,  \         ; C                            
          28.1, 23.5, 20.9, 18.4, 15.9, 13.1, 10.1,  6.7,  3.1,\
          -0.5,-4.5,-9.0,-14.8,-21.5,-29.7,-40.0,-52.4 /)   

  rh =(/  75.0, \         ;  %   
          60.0, 61.1, 76.7, 90.5, 89.8, 78.3, 76.5, 46.0, 55.0, \
          63.8,53.2,42.9, 41.7, 51.0, 70.6, 50.0, 50.0 /)

; convert C to K
  w    = mixhum_ptrh (p, t+273.15,rh ,-1 ) ; mix ratio (g/kg)
Example 3

Assume p is in units of Pa. It must be converted to hPa (mb) before calling the function:

  p = p*0.01     ; converts Pa to hPa
  w = mixhum_ptrh (p, t ,rh, -1 ) ; mix ratio (g/kg)
Example 4

Let t and rh be four-dimensional of size (ntime,nlvl,nlat,nlon). Let p be a one-dimensional of size (nlvl) in units of hPa. Use conform to expand p to the same dimensions as t and rh. Embedding conform in the function call has the advantage that no temporary conformed arrays need to be created.

  q    = mixhum_ptrh(conform(t,p,1), t ,rh,-2 ) ; specific humidity (g/kg)
; q(ntim,nlvl,nlat,mlon)