Interpolates data on constant pressure levels to hybrid levels.
function pres2hybrid ( p [*] : numeric, ps : numeric, p0 [1] : numeric, xi : numeric, hyao [*] : numeric, hybo [*] : numeric, intflg [1] : integer ) return_val : numeric
pA one-dimensional array specifying the pressure levels of the source (input) variable. Must be top-to-bottom order and must have the same units as ps and p0.
psA multi-dimensional array containing surface pressures. Must be at least two dimensions with the rightmost dimensions referring to latitude and longitude. Must have the same units as p0.
p0A scalar value equal to the surface reference pressure. Must have the same units as ps. Typically p0=100000 [Pa] or 1000 [hPa].
xiA multi-dimensional array containing the variable to be interpolated. The three rightmost dimensions must be (pressure) level, lat, and lon. The level dimension is ordered top-to-bottom.
hyaoA one-dimensional array containing the hybrid coefficients A associated with the return_val. Must be ordered top-to-bottom. Must be unitless.
hyboA one-dimensional array containing the hybrid coefficients B associated with the return_val. Must be ordered top-to-bottom. Must be unitless.
intflgA scalar integer which specifies the type of extrapolation to be used.
=0 no extrapolation. Values set to _FillValue =1 values set to nearest valid value =2 values less than min(p) set to nearest value values greater than max(p) are linearly extrapolated =3 values less than min(p) are linearly extrapolated values greater than max(p) set to nearest value =4 values than min(p) are extrapolated values greater than max(p) are extrapolated
Return value
A multi-dimensional array of the same size as xi except that the level dimension has been replaced by the size of hyao. Double if xi or ps are double, float otherwise.
Interpolates from data on constant pressure levels to a set of hybrid levels.
The basic approach is to calculate the pressure at each level for the output hybrid levels. Then interpolate the input variable to the pressures of the desired output hybrid levels.
At each latitude, longitude and level (lev[k]) pressures are computed using:
p(k) = A(k)*PO + B(k)*PS (1)This is the form used by the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) and it is the form expected by pres2hybrid. A visualization of the hybrid coordinate system is here. Typically, the A and B coefficients might have values like:
A = 0.0048093, 0.0130731, 0.0325591, 0.0639471, 0.0816768, 0.0780201, 0.0733671, 0.0676476, 0.0608624, 0.0531095, 0.0445995, 0.0356607, 0.0267266, 0.0183069, 0.0109421, 0.005147 , 0.0013519, 0 ; B = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0173664, 0.0606928, 0.1158237, 0.1835918, 0.2639851, 0.3558459, 0.456676, 0.5625875, 0.6684428, 0.768203, 0.8554653, 0.9241285, 0.9690938, 0.9925282 ;If the "A" and "B"coefficients are different from (1) then it is the users responsibility to make the appropriate changes. For example, an alternative form of (1) is:
p(k) = AP(k) + B(k)*PS (2)In this form, each AP coefficient AP(k)=A(k)*PO. In this case the value of p0 input to pres2hybrid should be set to one [1.0].
Use the pres2hybrid_Wrap function if metadata retention is desired. The interface is identical.
See Also
Example 1
This example interpolates a variable from ECMWF's 23 pressure levels to a set of hybrid levels (26 here).
diri = "./" filC = "sstclimt42_run01.cam2.h0.0001-01.nc" ; CAM filT = "e4oper.an.pl.t85.t.198501" ; ECMWF pressure level dataset filP = "e4moda.an.ml.t85.psfc.1985.nc" ; ECMWF surface pressure f = addfile (diri+filT, "r") tp = f->T ; variable to be interpolated fP = addfile (diri+filP, "r") psfc = fP->PSFC ; surface pressure (Pa) p0 = 100000. ; reference pressure (Pa) fC = addfile (diri+filC, "r") hya = fC->hyam ; levels to which the variable hyb = fC->hybm ; will be interpolated plev = tp@lev ; hPa plev = plev*100. ; match units of p0 and psfc plev@units = "Pa" th = pres2hybrid(plev,psfc,p0,tp,hya,hyb,0) ; temperature on hybrid levels ; Use pres2hybrid_Wrap if metadata retention is desired ; th = pres2hybrid_Wrap(plev,psfc,p0,tp,hya,hyb,0) ; temperature on hybrid levelsIf the input variable looks like:
Variable: tp Type: float Total Size: 373817344 bytes 93454336 values Number of Dimensions: 4 Dimensions and sizes: [time | 124] x [lev | 23] x [lat | 128] x [lon | 256] Coordinates: time: [1621680..1622418] lev: [1..1000] ; note these are hPa lat: [-88.92773..88.92773] lon: [ 0..358.53] Number Of Attributes: 3 standard_name : air_temperature units : K long_name : TemperatureThe output variable will look like:
Variable: th Type: float Number of Dimensions: 4 Dimensions and sizes: [124] x [26] x [128] x [256]