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Calculates the pressure at specified sigma levels.


	function pres_sigma (
		sigma [*] : numeric,  
		ps        : numeric   

	return_val  :  numeric



A one-dimensional array equal to the sigma levels (length nsigma).


At least a two-dimensional array equal to the surface pressure. The rightmost two dimensions must be latitude x longitude (nlat x nlon).

Return value

A multi-dimensional array of dimensions N x nsigma x nlat x nlon where N represents all but the rightmost two dimensions of ps. The return type will be double if ps is double, and float otherwise.


Calculates the pressure at specified sigma levels.


Example 1

Assume ps is a two-dimensional array of with dimensions lat,lon. pSigma will be a as a three-dimensional array with dimensions level, lat, and lon. The size of the level dimension is the same size as sigma.

  pSigma = pres_sigma (sigma, ps)   ; pSigma(klvl,nlat,mlon)
Example 2

Assume ps is a three-dimensional array with dimensions time,lat,lon. pSigma will be a four-dimensional array with dimensions time, level, lat, and lon. The size of the level dimension is the same size as sigma.

  pSigma = pres_sigma (sigma, ps)   ; pSigma(ntim,klvl,nlat,mlon)
Example 3

The same as example 1, but calculated in a loop (this method is not recommended because loops are inefficient):

  do nt=0,ntim-1
    p = pres_sigma (sigma, psfc(nt,:,:))   ; ==> p(lev,lat,lon)
  end do