NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > Spherical harmonic routines


Computes spherical harmonic analysis of a scalar field on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics.


	function shaeC (
		g  : numeric   

	return_val  :  float or double



discrete function to be analyzed (input, array with two or more dimensions). The last two dimensions must be nlat x nlon. Note:

  • input values must be in ascending latitude order
  • input arrays must be on a global grid

Return value

If the last two dimensions of g are nlat x nlon, then the last two dimensions of the return array ab will be nlat x N, where N is determined as follows:

N = minimum(nlat, (nlon+2)/2) if nlon is even
N = minimum(nlat, (nlon+1)/2) if nlon is odd
The first dimension of ab will be 2, which addresses the real and imaginary parts.

For example, if g is a two-dimensional array (nlat,nlon), then the dimensions of ab will be 2 x nlat x N, where ab(0,nlat,N) contains the "real" coefficients and ab(1,nlat,N) contains the "imaginary" coefficients.

If g is a three-dimensional array (nt,nlat,nlon), then ab(0,nt,nlat,N) will contain the "real" coefficients, and ab(1,nt,nlat,N) will contain the "imaginary" coefficients.

If g is a four-dimensional array (nt,nlvl,nlat,nlon), then ab(0,nt,nlvl,nlat,N) will contain the "real" coefficients, and ab(1,nt,nlvl,nlat,N) will contain the "imaginary" coefficients.

The return array will be double if the input is double, and float otherwise.


shaeC performs the spherical harmonic analysis on the array g. In general, shaeC (performs spherical harmonic analysis) is used in conjunction with shseC (performs spherical harmonic synthesis). Note that both shaeC and shseC operate on a fixed grid.

NOTE: This function does not allow for missing data (defined by the _FillValue attribute) to be present. g should not include the cyclic (wraparound) points, as this procedure uses spherical harmonics. (NCL procedures/functions that use spherical harmonics should never be passed input arrays that include cyclic points.)

Normalization: Let m be the Fourier wave number (rightmost dimension) and let n be the Legendre index (next-to-last dimension). Then ab = 0 for n < m. The Legendre index, n, is sometimes referred to as the total wave number.

The associated Legendre functions are normalized such that:

    sum_lat sum_lon { [ Pmn(lat,lon)e^im lon ]^2 w(lat)/mlon } = 0.25  (m=0)
    sum_lat sum_lon {
          { [ Pmn(lat,lon)e^im lon ]^2
          + [ Pmn(lat,lon)e^i-m lon ]^2 } w(lat)/mlon } = 0.5  (m /= 0)
where w represents the Gaussian weights:
  sum_lat { w(lat) } = 2.
If the input array g is on a gaussian grid, shagC should be used. Also, note that shaeC is the function version of shaec.

See Also

shaec, shseC, shsec, shagC, shagc, shsgc, shsgC, rhomb_trunC, tri_trunC


In the following examples, g is on a fixed grid and no cyclic points are included.

Example 1


   ab = shaeC (g)
     [do something with the coefficients]
   g  = shseC (ab,nlon)     
Example 2


   ab = shaeC (g)
   ab = rhomb_trunC (ab,15)
   g  = shseC (ab,nlon)       
Example 3


   ab = shaeC (g)
      [do something with the coefficients]
   g  = shseC (ab,nlon)     
Note: if g has dimensions, say, nlat = 73 and nlon = 145, where the "145" represents the cyclic points, then the user should pass the data to the function such that the cyclic points are not included. In the following examples, g is on a fixed grid that contains cyclic points. (Remember NCL subscripts start at zero.)

Example 4


   nlon1 = nlon -1
   ab = shaeC (g(:,0:nlon1-1))         ; only use the non-cyclic data
     [do something with the coefficients]
   g(:,0:nlon1-1) = shseC (ab,nlon1)  ; reconstruct
   g(:,nlon1)     = g(:,0)           ; add new cyclic pt
Example 5


   nlon1 = nlon -1
   ab = shaeC (g(:,:,0:nlon1-1))
     [do something with the coefficients]
   g(:,:,0:nlon1-1) = shseC (ab,nlon1) ; reconstruct
   g(:,:,nlon1)   = g(:,:,0)          ; add new cyclic pt
Example 6


   nlon1 = nlon-1
   ab = shaeC (g(:,:,:,0:nlon1-1))
     [do something with the coefficients]
   g(:,:,:,0:nlon1-1) = shseC (ab,nlon1)
   g(:,:,:,nlon1)   = g(:,:,:,0)  ; add new cyclic pt
Example 7

Given the spherical harmonic coefficients, to get the (amplitude^2)/2 to plot a spatial spectrum normalized by 0.25 for m = 0 and 0.5 for m ne 0.

Let g(nlat,nlon) and "ntr" be the maximum truncation (or as big as nlat) since spec is 0 beyond "ntr":

   ab = shaeC (g)
                                 ; for clarity place in separate arrays
   cr = ab(0,:,:)                ; real coef  (nlat,nlat)
   ci = ab(1,:,:)                ; imaginary  (nlat,nlat)

   pwr = (cr^2 + ci^2)/2.        ; (nlat,nlat)  array

   spc = new ( nlat, typeof(cr) ) 
                                ; for clarity use do loops
   do n=1,ntr
     spc(n) = pwr(n,0)
     do m=1,n
       spc(n) = spc(n) + 2.*pwr(n,m)
     end do
     spc(n) = 0.25*spc(n)
   end do
Or, using array syntax and the built-in function sum:
   do n=1,ntr
      spc(n) = 0.25*(pwr(n,0) + 2.*sum( pwr(n,1:n) ) )
   end do


If jer or ker is equal to:

1 : error in the specification of nlat
2 : error in the specification of nlon
4 : error in the specification of N (jer only)