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General applied math
Sorts a singly dimensioned arrays of strings.
procedure sqsort ( value [*] : string )
valueA singly dimensioned array of two or more string values to be sorted.
This procedure sorts its input array in ascending order. If the input array contains a coordinate variable, then the values of the coordinate variable are repositioned relative to their corresponding array value. Missing values are sorted to either end of the array based on their actual value (ignoring missing values is not supported).
Caveat: this procedure is case insensitive and thus you are not guaranteed if "A" is greater than "a", or vice versa. For example, if you do:
abc = (/"a","b","c","A","B","C"/) sqsort(abc)
then "abc" might be equal to any one of the following permutations:
abc = (/"a","A","b","B","c","C"/) abc = (/"a","A","B","b","c","C"/) abc = (/"A","a","b","B","c","C"/)
See Also
Example 1
Sort an array of strings:
s = (/"Auf Wiedersehen", "Goodbye", "Hasta Luego", "Ciao"/) sqsort(s) print(s) Variable: s Type: string Total Size: 16 bytes 4 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [4] Coordinates: (0) Auf Wiedersehen (1) Ciao (2) Goodbye (3) Hasta Luego