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Returns the start indexes where one or more occurrences of a substring is found in a string.

Available in version 5.1.1 and later.


	function str_index_of_substr (
		str    [1] : string,   
		substr [1] : string,   
		opt    [1] : integer   

	return_val  :  integer



A single string in which to find one or more occurrences of substr.


The substring to search for.


An integer option indicating which start indexes should be returned.

Return value

An array of integers, depending on the setting of opt.


This function returns integer values, indicating the start index(es) where substr is found in str. If substr is not found, or if either of the input strings are missing, then a missing value is returned.

If opt is -1, it returns the last index of where substr is found in str.

If opt is 0, it returns an integer array which has the indexes of all matches.

If opt is some value n (>0), it returns an integer array of (up to) n matches.

See Also

str_match, str_sub_str



 str = "                abc                     def     hij             def     klmn"

 substr = "def"

 i1  = str_index_of_substr(str, substr, 0)
 print(i1)                              ; i1 = (/40, 64/)

 i2  = str_index_of_substr(str, substr, -1)
 print(i2)                              ; i2 = 64

 i3  = str_index_of_substr(str, substr, 1)
 print(i3)                              ; i3 = 40

 substr = "xyz"
 ix  = str_index_of_substr(str, substr, 0)
 print(ix)                              ; ix = -999 (substr "xyz" is not in str)