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Converts a mixed Julian/Gregorian date to a UT-referenced date (deprecated; use cd_calendar).


	function ut_calendar (
		time       : numeric,  
		option [1] : integer   



A multi-dimensional array of time values in a mixed Julian/Gregorian, 360, 365, or no leap calendaring system (the last three options were added in version 5.1.0).

Must have a units attribute in one of the formats recognized by the UDUNITS-2 library.

May additionally have a "calendar" attribute with one of the following values:

  • noleap
  • 360_day
  • 365_day
The "standard" and "gregorian" calendars are the only ones recognized by the Udunits library. The other calendars were added by David W. Pierce, the developer of ncview.

No other calendaring systems are recognized by this function, including:

n kyr B.P.


A scalar integer indicating the format of the output. See description below.

Return value

The format of the output is dependent upon the value of option. In all cases the first dimension is the same size as time.

  • option = 0

    The array returned will be of type float and dimensioned dimsizes(time) x 6:

    utc_date(:,0) --> years
    utc_date(:,1) --> months
    utc_date(:,2) --> days
    utc_date(:,3) --> hours
    utc_date(:,4) --> minutes
    utc_date(:,5) --> seconds
  • option = -1 or 1

    The values returned will be in the format YYYYMM and will be type double for option = 1, and type integer for option = -1.

    Note that for option = 1, even though the return value is double, the value will be the same as if an integer had been returned (no fraction is returned, so days, hours, minutes, and seconds are basically truncated).

  • option = -2 or 2

    The values returned will be in the format YYYYMMDD and will be type double for option = 2, and type integer for option = -2.

    Note that for option = 2, even though the return value is double, the value will be the same as if an integer had been returned (no fraction is returned, so hours, minutes, and seconds are basically truncated).

  • option = -3 or 3

    The values returned will be in the format YYYYMMDDHH and will be type double for option = 3, and type integer for option = -3. Note that this option can produce some big numbers. If your year values go higher than 2147, then then you should use option 3.

    Note that for option = 3, even though the return value is double, the value will be the same as if an integer had been returned (no fraction is returned, so minutes, and seconds are basically truncated).

  • option = 4

    The values returned will be in the format YYYY.fraction_of_year and will be type double. fraction_of_year is the total number of seconds in the current day of the year, divided by the total number of seconds in that year.

  • option = -5

    Available in version 5.1.0 and later.

    The same as option=0, except the values returned will be integers. This means that the seconds values may be truncated, as they are floating point values.


Unidata no longer supports the internal code that ut_calendar is based on. We therefore strongly recommend that you use the cd_calendar function instead. Important note: ut_calendar and cd_calendar treat "year 0" differently. See the caveats below.

Converts a mixed Julian/Gregorian date to a UT-referenced date using the UDUNITS-2 library.

As of version 5.1.0, other calendars are also recognized, if time contains a "calendar" attribute set to one of these values:

  • "360", "360_day"
  • "365", "365_day"
  • "noleap"

Thanks to David W. Pierce, the developer of ncview, for providing these calendar additions.

Known bug in NCL V6.4.0 and earlier: Many users have reported a "60 second" bug in several of NCL's date conversion routines, in which you get a value of "n minutes, 60 seconds" instead of "n+1 minutes, 0 seconds". See the 6.4.0 release notes for details. If you encounter this bug, please email the ncl-talk group with the details. Meanwhile, you can try cd_calendar. You can also try the temporary ut_calendar_fix function, which was added in NCL V6.4.0 for test purposes and potentially as a replacement function. A decision will be made about this function in a future release of NCL.

If the input data does not contain a units attribute, then an error message will be printed and all missing values returned.

To quote the UDUNITS-2 man page:

The udunits(3) package uses a mixed Gregorian/Julian calendar system. Dates prior to 1582-10-15 are assumed to use the Julian calendar, which was introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BCE and is based on a year that is exactly 365.25 days long. Dates on and after 1582-10-15 are assumed to use the Gregorian calendar, which was introduced on that date and is based on a year that is exactly 365.2425 days long. (A year is actually approximately 365.242198781 days long.) Seemingly strange behavior of the udunits(3) package can result if a user-given time interval includes the changeover date. For example, ut_calendar and ut_inv_calendar can be used to show that 1582-10-15 *preceded* 1582-10-14 by 9 days.

Caveats of UDUNITS-2:

  • Year 0 is treated as year 1, because year 0 does not exist in the real world calendar.

  • The length of a month is fixed at 1/12 of a tropical year or 2629743.831225 seconds. This means if you have a units of something like "months since 1870-1-1", then at time = 0 you will get:

        year   = 1870
        month  = 1
        day    = 1
        hour   = 0
        second = 0
    However, at time = 1, you will get:
        year   = 1870
        month  = 1
        day    = 31
        hour   = 10
        second = 3.83122
  • Udunits doesn't like uppercase values in the "units" string. For example, "HOURS since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0" is not a valid string, but "hours since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0" is.

Important notes

  • ut_calendar is based on an external software package called UDUNITS-2, which has phased out the support for these types of calendaring routines. Caution should be used when using this routine with special calendars like the above, or negative values. If you have problems, then check out the user-contributed routine, calendar_decode2.

  • As of NCL version 5.2.0, this code is being linked against UDUNITS-2, which has a dependency on some xml files that come installed with NCL. There's a bug in 5.2.0 that if you are setting the environment variable UDUNITS_PATH, you may see the error message:
      warning:ut_calendar: Invalid specification string. Missing values will
      be returned.
    There are two possible work-arounds:

    1. Set the UDUNITS2_XML_PATH environment variable:

         setenv UDUNITS2_XML_PATH $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/udunits/udunits2.xml
         export UDUNITS2_XML_PATH=$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/udunits/udunits2.xml

    2. Unset the UDUNITS_PATH environment variable before you run NCL.

    See Also

    cd_calendar, cd_inv_calendar, ut_inv_calendar, cd_convert, cd_string, calendar_decode2, yyyymm_to_yyyyfrac, yyyymmdd_to_yyyyfrac, yyyymmddhh_to_yyyyfrac, time_axis_labels


    Example 1

    Assume five time values that represent "hours since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0". Convert these values to UTC time in the format "hhZ dd mmm yyyy", where "mmm" represents a month abbreviation (and not a numerical month). sprinti is used to create the desired string:

      ; Array to hold month abbreviations. Don't store anything in index
      ; '0' (i.e. let index 1=Jan, 2=Feb, ..., index 12=Dec).
       month_abbr = (/"","Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep", \
      ; Time values and units.
        time = (/17522904, 17522928, 17522952, 17522976, 17523000/)
        time@units = "hours since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
     ; Convert to UTC time.
       utc_date = ut_calendar(time, 0)
     ; Store return information into more meaningful variables.
       year   = tointeger(utc_date(:,0))    ; Convert to integer for
       month  = tointeger(utc_date(:,1))    ; use sprinti 
       day    = tointeger(utc_date(:,2))
       hour   = tointeger(utc_date(:,3))
       minute = tointeger(utc_date(:,4))
       second = utc_date(:,5)
     ; Write out strings in the format "hhZ dd mmm yyyy".
       date_str = sprinti("%0.2iZ ", hour) + sprinti("%0.2i ", day) + \
                  month_abbr(month) + " "  + sprinti("%0.4i", year)

    The above script will produce the following output:

     Variable: date_str
     Type: string
     Total Size: 20 bytes
                5 values
     Number of Dimensions: 1
     Dimensions and sizes:   [5]
     (0)     00Z 01 Jan 2000
     (1)     00Z 02 Jan 2000
     (2)     00Z 03 Jan 2000
     (3)     00Z 04 Jan 2000
     (4)     00Z 05 Jan 2000
    Example 2

    Using the same time values as above, here's what the various options return:

       dym      = ut_calendar(time,  1)     ; Double array of length 5 with all
                                           ; values equal to 200001.
       iym      = ut_calendar(time, -1)     ; Same, only type integer
       dymd     = ut_calendar(time,  2)     ; (/20000101,20000102,20000103,
       iymd     = ut_calendar(time, -2)     ;   20000104,20000105/)
       dymdh    = ut_calendar(time,  3)     ; (/2000010100,2000010200,2000010300,
       iymdh    = ut_calendar(time, -3)     ;   2000010400,2000010500/)
       yearfrac = ut_calendar(time,  4)     ; (/2000,2000.002732240437,
                                            ;        2000.005464480874,
                                            ;        2000.008196721311,
                                            ;        2000.010928961749/)
    Example 3

    Use ut_calendar and day_of_year to create a new time variable with units of day_of_year.fraction_of_day. day_of_year requires integer arguments. Use tointeger to convert. To make the results as precise as possible the calculation is done in double precision.

     ; Time values and units.
       time = (/3356, 3356.083, 3356.333, 3356.917, 3357.042, 3358.208/)
       time@units = "days since 1995-01-01 00:00:0.0"
       utc_date = ut_calendar(time, 0)
       dyear = day_of_year(tointeger(utc_date(:,0)) \
                           ,tointeger(utc_date(:,1)) \
                           ,tointeger(utc_date(:,2)) )*1.d0   ; make double
       dyear = dyear + \                         
              (date(:,3)*3600.d0 + date(:,4)*60.d0 + date(:,5)*1.d0)/86400.d0
                                            ; (/70, 70.08299768518519,
                                            ;   70.33299768518519,
                                            ;   70.91699074074074,
                                            ;   71.04199074074074,
                                            ;   72.20799768518519/)
    Example 4

    As of version 5.1.0, you can use option = -5 (instead of option = 0) to return integers:

     ; Time values and units.
       time = (/3356, 3356.083, 3356.333, 3356.917, 3357.042, 3358.208/)
       time@units = "days since 1995-01-01 00:00:0.0"
       utc_date = ut_calendar(time, -5)
       dyear = day_of_year(utc_date(:,0),utc_date(:,1),utc_date(:,2))

    Example 5

    CAVEAT: The one 'subtle' difference between CAM 'time/date' and NCL's ut_calendar and ut_inv_calendar function occurs when the time units are ".... since 0000..."
    NCL uses Unidata's udunits and the updated ncview calendar software. Technically, in the 'time' world, there is no such thing as year 0000. The difference is illustrated by the following:

    ncl 0> f    = addfile ("","r")
    ncl 1> time = f->time                   ; days since 0000-09-01 00:00:00
    ncl 2> printVarSummary(time)
    Variable: time
    Type: double
    Dimensions and sizes:   [time | 30]
                time: [   0..  29]
    Number Of Attributes: 4
      long_name :   time
      units :       days since 0000-09-01 00:00:00              <*** note 0000
      calendar :    noleap
      bounds :      time_bnds
    ncl 3> date = f->date                   ; yyyymmdd [CAM]
    ncl 4> DATE = ut_calendar(time, -2)     ; YYYYMMDD [NCL]
    ncl 5> DATE1 = DATE - 10000             ; subtract one YYYY
    ncl 6> print(date+"   "+DATE+"   "+DATE1)
            CAM    NCL    NCL-one_YYYY
    (0)     901   10901       901
    (1)     902   10902       902
    (2)     903   10903       903
    (3)     904   10904       904
    (4)     905   10905       905
    (5)     906   10906       906
    (6)     907   10907       907
    (7)     908   10908       908
    (8)     909   10909       909
    (9)     910   10910       910
    As noted in the documentation ...
    Caveats of Unidata's Udunits:
        * Year 0 is treated as year 1, because year 0 does not exist
          in the real world calendar.
    Punch line: if you use the CAM file's date variable you can readily break down to other units. NCL's ut_calendar function is not needed.
       date    = f->date                 ; CAM  date (yyyymmdd)
       year    = date/10000
       mmdd    = date-year*10000
       month   = mmdd/100
       day     = mmdd-month*100
    Again, the difference between CAM and NCL calendars only occurs when the units are "xxxx since 0000".