NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > WRF, Lat/Lon functions


Finds the nearest longitude, latitude locations to the specified model grid indices (i,j) (deprecated).


	function wrf_ij_to_ll (
		iloc  : numeric,  
		jloc  : numeric,  
		opt   : logical   

	return_val  :  float or double



I and J positional arrays in ARW WRF.


A logical scalar containing attributes. See description below.


This function was deprecated in NCL version 6.6.0. Use wrf_user_xy_to_ll instead.

The return value is a multi-dimensional float or double array that holds the closest longitude, latitude positions to the input iloc, jloc values. The dimensions will be 2 x N:

  • N represents the dimensions of iloc and jloc
  • loc(0,:,...,:) --> longitude values
    loc(1,:,...,:) --> latitude values

The opt variable can contain the following attributes, many of which are included as global attributes on the WRF output file. Attributes are case-insensitive:

  • MAP_PROJ - Model projection [1=Lambert, 2=polar stereographic, 3=mercator, 6=lat-lon]  (required)

  • TRUELAT1 - required for MAP_PROJ = 1, 2, 3 (defaults to 0 otherwise)

  • TRUELAT2 - required for MAP_PROJ = 6 (defaults to 0 otherwise)

  • STAND_LON - Standard longitude used in model projection (required)

  • REF_LON, REF_LON - A reference longitude and latitude (required)

  • KNOWNI, KNOWNJ - The I and J locations of REF_LON and REF_LAT (required)

  • POLE_LAT - optional for MAP_PROJ = 6 (defaults to 90 otherwise)

  • POLE_LAT - optional for MAP_PROJ = 6 (defaults to 0 otherwise)

  • DX, DY - required for MAP_PROJ = 1, 2, 3 (defaults to 0 otherwise)

  • LATINC, LONINC - required for MAP_PROJ = 6 (defaults to 0 otherwise)

See Also

wrf_user_ll_to_xy, wrf_user_xy_to_ll


Example 1

   opt = True
   opt@MAP_PROJ          = 1
   opt@TRUELAT1          =  30.0
   opt@TRUELAT2          =  60.0
   opt@STAND_LON         = -98.0
   opt@REF_LAT           =  34.83
   opt@REF_LON           = -81.03
   opt@KNOWNJ            =  37.0
   opt@KNOWNI            =  30.5

   opt@DX                = 30000.
   opt@DY                = 30000.

   loc = wrf_ij_to_ll ( 10.0, 20.0, opt )

Example 2

  nc_file = addfile("","r")

  opt = True
  opt@MAP_PROJ  = nc_file@MAP_PROJ
  opt@TRUELAT1  = nc_file@TRUELAT1
  opt@TRUELAT2  = nc_file@TRUELAT2
  opt@STAND_LON = nc_file@STAND_LON
  opt@DX        = nc_file@DX
  opt@DY        = nc_file@DY

  XLAT  = nc_file->XLAT(0,:,:)
  XLONG = nc_file->XLONG(0,:,:)

  opt@REF_LAT = XLAT(0,0)
  opt@REF_LON = XLONG(0,0)
  opt@KNOWNI  = 1.0
  opt@KNOWNJ  = 1.0

  loc = wrf_ij_to_ll ( 10.0, 20.0, opt )

Example 3

The function wrf_user_ij_to_ll, (available in the $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl script) can be used to locate lat, lon points given specific i, j references.

  load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
  load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"

  a = addfile("","r")

  loc = wrf_user_ij_to_ll (a, 10.0, 20.0, True)

You can see some other example scripts and their resultant images at: