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Calculates relative humidity from ARW WRF model output.


	function wrf_rh (
		qv  : numeric,  
		P   : numeric,  
		T   : numeric   

	return_val [dimsizes(qv)] :  float or double



Water vapor mixing ratio in [kg/kg]. The rightmost dimensions are bottom_top x south_north x west_east.


Full pressure (perturbation + base state pressure) with the same dimension structure as qv. Units must be [Pa].


Temperature in [K] with the same dimension structure as qv. This variable can be calculated by wrf_tk.

Return value

Relative humidity [%]. The multi-dimensional array has the same size as qv. The type will be double if any of the input is double, and float otherwise.


This function returns relative humidity with respect to liquid water [%], which is estimated by the ratio of the actual to the saturation vapor pressure. This function also makes sure there are no negative values in qv by setting them all to 0.

The return variable will contain two attributes:

return_val@description = "Relative Humidity"
return_val@units = "%"

As of version 5.1.0, the return variable will contain the same named dimensions (if any) of T. Otherwise, the rightmost two dimensions will be named "south_north" and "west_east".

See Also

wrf_tk, wrf_user_getvar

See the full list of WRF functions.


Note: for WRF variable names and their definitions, you can easily check them by using "ncl_filedump":


Example 1

Read and process a 4d array. This example uses the ">" operator to ensure that all qv less than 0.0 are set to 0.0. The arguments are variables from WRF data.

Note that if your netCDF file doesn't have a ".nc" suffix, you must include it in the call to addfile so it knows what kind of file to open. The addfile call below will cause NCL to look for both a file called "" and "wrfout_d01_2000-01-24_12:00:00".

  a = addfile("","r")

  qv = a->QVAPOR
  P  = a->P                     ; perturbation
  Pb = a->PB                    ; base state pressure
  P  = P + Pb                   ; total pressure

  theta = a->T                  ; perturbation potential temperature (theta+t0)
  theta = theta + 300.

  TK = wrf_tk (P, theta)
  RH = wrf_rh (qv, P, TK)

Example 2

The function wrf_user_getvar, (available in the $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl script) can also be used to calculate many diagnostics in one step.

  load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
  load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"

  a = addfile("","r")

  time = 1
  rh = wrf_user_getvar(a,"rh",time)  ; calculate RH
You can see some other example scripts and their resultant images at: