NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > Climatology


Create a daily climatology from a monthly climatology.


load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"  ; This library is automatically loaded
                                                             ; from NCL V6.2.0 onward.
                                                             ; No need for user to explicitly load.

	function clmMon2clmDay (
		xClmMon      : float or double,  
		retOrder [1] : integer,          
		opt      [1] : integer           



An array of up to four dimensions which contains a monthly climatology. The leftmost dimension size must be 12.


An integer value of 0 or 1. If retOrder=0 then the returned array will have the leftmost dimension as size 365; retOrder=1 the returned array will have the rightmost dimension as size 365.


Currently, not used, set to zero [ 0 ].

Return value

An array of the same rank as the original containing daily values.


Monthly values are assigned to the day of the year corresponding to middle of each month. Linear interpolation is used to assign the values.

The mid-month values are:

      midMon = (/ 15.5, 45  , 74.5,105  ,135.5,166  \   ; Jan -> June
                ,196.5,227.5,258  ,288.5,319  ,349.5/)  ; July-> December  

See Also

clmDayTLL, smthClmDayTLL, clmMonTLL, clmMonTLLL, clmMonLLLT, clmMonLLT


Example 1

Given a monthly climatological array, xMon(12,lat,lon), generate a daily climatologcal arrays xDay(365,lat,lon) and zDay(lat,lon,365).

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" 

     xDay = clmMon2clmDay(xMon, 0, 0)
     zDay = clmMon2clmDay(xMon, 1, 0)

Setting retOrder=0 yields
     Variable: xDay
     Type: float
     Total Size: 11960320 bytes
                 2990080 values
     Number of Dimensions: 3
     Dimensions and sizes:   [day | 365] x [lat | 64] x [lon | 128]
                 day: [1..365]
                 lat: [-87.8638..87.8638]
                 lon: [ 0..357.1875]
     Number Of Attributes: 2
       info :        NCL: monClm2dayClm
Setting retOrder=1 yields
     Variable: zDay
     Type: float
     Total Size: 11960320 bytes
                 2990080 values
     Number of Dimensions: 3
     Dimensions and sizes:   [lat | 64] x [lon | 128] x [day | 365]
                 lat: [-87.8638..87.8638]
                 lon: [ 0..357.1875]
                 day: [1..365]
     Number Of Attributes: 2
       info :        NCL: monClm2dayClm