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Return a constant that converts radians to degrees.

Available in version 6.4.0 and later.


load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"  ; This library is automatically loaded
                                                             ; from NCL V6.2.0 onward.
                                                             ; No need for user to explicitly load.

	function get_r2d (
		val  : numeric or string   

	return_val [scalar] :  float or double



If val is type numeric, and val is type "double", the returned constant will be type double; otherwise it will be type float.

If val is type string, and val="double" or val="d", the returned constant will be type double; otherwise it will be type float.

It is recommended that the value returned be the same numeric type as the variable(s) with which it will be used.

Return value

The returned scalar will be type double or float.


A constant that is used to convert radians to degrees:

      r2d = 180/PI 

It is recommended that the value returned by get_r2d (get_d2r and get_pi) be the same numeric type as the variable(s) with which it will be used.

See Also

get_pi, get_d2r


Example 1: In these examples, the 'r2d' to the left of the assignment can be any name (eg, 'radians_to_degrees', 'rad_to_deg', 'rad2deg', etc.'). 'r2d' is used for convenience.

  r2d  = get_r2d("double")   ; type double; 57.29577951308232
  r2d  = get_r2d("float" )   ; type float ; 57.29578

  r2d  = get_r2d("d")        ; type double; 57.29577951308232
  r2d  = get_r2d("f")        ; type float ; 57.29578

  r2d  = get_r2d(1d0)        ; type double
  r2d  = get_r2d(1.0)        ; type float 
  r2d  = get_r2d( 1 )        ; type float 

  xf   = 2.412    
  xd   = 2.412d0
  xi   = 100

  r2d  = get_r2d(xd)         ; type double; same type as 'xd'
  r2d  = get_r2d(xf)         ; type float ; same type as 'xf'
  r2d  = get_r2d(xi)         ; type float