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Array query
Determines the relative maxima for a 1-dimensional array.
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" ; This library is automatically loaded ; from NCL V6.2.0 onward. ; No need for user to explicitly load. function local_max_1d ( x [*] : numeric, cyclic : logical, delta [1] : numeric, iopt [1] : integer )
xA one-dimensional (1D) numeric array.
cyclicA logical value indicating if x is cyclic [=True] or not [=False].
deltaTolerance level (positive). If values are within delta of surrounding values it will not be counted as a local maximum value.
ioptAn integer value indicating what is to be returned. iopt=0 means return the maximum values. iopt.ne.0 means return the indices [subscripts] where maximum values occured.
Return value
If iopt=0 then a 1D array containing the relative maxima is returned. Otherwise a 1D array containing the indices (subscripts) where the maxima are returned.
Each element of x is checked against adjacent points to see if the difference exceeds delta.
See Also
Example 1
qmax = local_max_1d(q, False, 0.25, 0) or imax = local_max_1d(q, False, 0.25, 1) if (.not.ismissing(imax)) then qmax = q(imax) zmax = z(imax) ; z where q is at a maximum end if