Use the Hamon formulation to derive reference evapotranspiration.
Available in version 6.5.0 and later.
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/crop.ncl" function refevt_hamon ( tmean : numeric, daylight : numeric, iounit [2] : integer )
tmeanScalar or array containing mean temperatures. The units may be degrees Celcius, Kelvin or Farenheit. See the iounit argument.
daylightA variable containing the number of effective hours of daylight. It must have the same dimension sizes as the tmean. See the iounit argument.
iounitAn integer array of length 2 indicating the units of input arguments tmean, es and the units of the returned argument.
- iounit(0)=0 ; input tmean are in degrees C (degC).
- iounit(0)=1 ; input tmean are in degrees K (degK).
- iounit(0)=2 ; input tmean are in degrees F.
- iounit(1)=0 ; output units => mm/day
- iounit(1)=1 ; output units => MJ/(m2-day)
- iounit(1)=2 ; output units => W/m2
- iounit(1)=3 ; output units => cal/(cm2-day)
Return value
An array the same size as tmean containing the estimated evapotranspiration with units specified by iounit(1).
Estimates evapotranspiration via the simple "Hamon ETo" equation. This function is not described in the FAO-56 document. It is included because many refereed publications use this simple Hamon formulation described in the reference:
ETo = 2.1*es*daylight^2/(tmean+273.2) ; see iounit Reference: Haith, D. A. and Shoemaker, L. L., 1987 Generalized watershed loading functions for stream flow nutrients. Water Resources Bulletin, 23:471-478. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.1987.tb00825.xThe daylight_fao56 returns the maximum number of hours of sunlight. Using this would yield maximal evapotranspiration estimates. However, if (say) their was 30% cloudiness, then the effective number of hours of sunlight would be:
sunhrx = daylight_fao56(jday, lat) ; max daylight/sun hr per day sun_effective = (1-0.3)*sunhrx
See Also
Crop & Evapotranspiration functions
Example 1: As noted, this function is not from FAO_56. Hence, there is no simple 'unit test' to which NCL can refer. Here, we compare refevt_hamon to that from refevt_hargreaves_fao56. The parameters are the same as Example 20, Chapter 4. for Lyon, France in mid July.
jday = 196 ; 15 July lat = 45.72 ; Lyon, France tmin = 14.8 ; degC tmax = 26.6 tmean = 0.5*(tmin+tmax) ; iounit(0)=0 [degrees Celcius) sunhrx = daylight_fao56(jday, lat) ; max daylight/sun hr per day print(sunhrx ) ; print with meta data evt_hamon = refevt_hamon( tmean, sunhrx, (/0,0,0/) ) ; 4.015 mm/day print(evt_hamon)The output is:
Variable: evt_hamon Type: float Total Size: 4 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : reference evapotranspiration: Hamon units : mm/day (0) 4.015419NOTE: For comparison, Example 1 for the refevt_hargreaves_fao56 function returns an estimate of 5.03 mm/day.
Example 2: Same as above but with 30% cloudiness.
suneff = (1-0.3)*sunhrx ; 30% cloudiness; effective hours evt_hamon_eff = refevt_hamon( tmean, suneff, (/0,0,0/) ) ; 1.967 mm/day evt_hamon_eff@cloudiness = 0.3 ; add information print(evt_hamon_eff)The output is:
Variable: evt_hamon_eff Type: float Total Size: 4 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Number Of Attributes: 3 cloudiness : 0.3 long_name : reference evapotranspiration: Hamon units : mm/day (0) 1.967555