Use the Turc ETo formulation with a correction for low relative humidity to derive reference evapotranspiration.
Available in version 6.4.0 and later.
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/crop.ncl" ; This library is automatically loaded ; from NCL V6.5.0 onward. ; No need for user to explicitly load. function refevt_turc_rh ( tmean : numeric, radsol : numeric, rh : numeric, iounit [3] : integer )
tmeanScalar or array containing mean temperatures. he units may be derees Celcius, Kelvin or Farenheit. See the iounit argument.
radsolA variable containing solar radiation. It must have the same dimension sizes as the tmean. See the iounit argument.
rhA variable containing relative humidity (%). It must have the same dimension sizes as the tmean.
iounitAn integer array of length 3 indicating the units of input arguments tmean, radsol and the units of the returned argument.
- iounit(0)=0 ; input tmean are in degrees C (degC).
- iounit(0)=1 ; input tmean are in degrees K (degK).
- iounit(0)=2 ; input tmean are in degrees F.
- iounit(1)=0 ; input radsol are in mm/day
- iounit(1)=1 ; input radsol are in MJ/(m2-day)
- iounit(1)=2 ; input radsol are in W/m2
- iounit(1)=3 ; input radsol are in cal/(cm2-day)
- iounit(2)=0 ; output units => mm/day
- iounit(2)=1 ; output units => MJ/(m2-day)
- iounit(2)=2 ; output units => W/m2
- iounit(2)=3 ; output units => cal/(cm2-day)
Return value
An array the same size as tmean containing the estimated evapotranspiration.
Estimates evapotranspiration via the simple "Turc ETo" equation. This function is not described in the FAO-56 documentation. It is included because many refereed publications use this simple formulation.
This version of the 'Turc formulation' function has an adjustment factor for relative humidities less that 50%. For very dry conditions this can result is substantial increases in evapotranspiration. Specifically, this factor has the form:
rh_adjust_factor = (1+(50-rh)/70.0)Otherwise (rh>=50%) the results are the same as refevt_turc.
Reference: C.-Y. Xu, V. P. Singh (2000) Evaluation and generalization of radiation-based methods for calculating evaporation Hydrol. Process . 14 , 339-349 Turc L. 1961 Estimation of irrigation water requirements, potential evapotranspiration: a simple climatic formula evolved up to date. Annals of Agronomy 12: 13-49
See Also
Crop & Evapotranspiration functions
Example 1:
jday = 196 ; 15 July lat = 45.72 ; Lyon, France tmin = 14.8 ; degC tmax = 26.6 ra_0 = radext_fao56(jday, lat, 0) ; 16.5463 MJ/(m2-day) nsun = 9.2 ; 'observed' hrs/sun day sunhrx = daylight_fao56(jday, lat) ; max daylight/sun; 15.2 hr per day rs_0 = radsol_fao56(ra_0, sunhrx, nsun, (/0,0/), False) ; 9.15 mm/day evturc = refevt_turc( tmean, rs_0, (/0,0,0/) ) ; 4.53 mm/day rh = 75 evturc_75 = refevt_turc_rh( tmean, rs_0, rh, (/0,0,0/) ) ; 4.53 mm/day (no change; rh >50%) rh = 25 evturc_25 = refevt_turc_rh( tmean, rs_0, rh, (/0,0,0/) ) ; 6.14 mm/day