Array creators

dim_pad_extend Extend (i.e., expand, append, pad) an existing array along the 'record dimension' to a user specified size.
dim_pad_modulo Pad (i.e., expand, append, extend) an existing array such that the size of a specified dimension is a user specified 'modulo' length.
fspan Creates an array of evenly-spaced floating point numbers.
generate_sample_indices Generate indices (subscripts) for resampling: with and without replacement.
generate_unique_indices Generate unique random indices (subscripts).
ispan Creates an array of equally-spaced integer, long, or int64 values.
nice_mnmxintvl Calculates "nice" values for endpoints and spacing to be used for creating a series of equally-spaced levels through the data domain.
venn2_difference Returns the unique element symmetric differences between two arrays.
venn2_intersection Returns the unique element intersection (ie., common values) between two arrays.
venn2_union Returns the unique element union of two arrays.