NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > Array creators


Creates an array of equally-spaced integer, long, or int64 values.


	function ispan (
		start  [1] : integral type,  
		finish [1] : integral type,  
		stride [1] : integral type   

	return_val [*] :  integer, long, or int64



Value at which to start.


Value at which to end. Can be less than start.


A stride value indicating the spacing of the values between start and finish.


This function returns an array of values beginning at start and ending at finish. Each element will be separated by the value of stride. The stride must be positive, and start and finish can be any valid integers.

If finish is less than start, then the values will be reversed.

In version 6.0.0, this function will be upgraded to allow any of the input to be any signed integral type (byte, short, int, long, int64). Also, the return type will be int, long, or int64, depending on the input types.

See Also



Example 1

   x = ispan (1,10,1)      ; "x" = (/1,2, ..., 10/) 
                           ; (10 values)
   y = ispan (-100,100,10) ; "y" = (/-100, -90, ..., 0, 10, ... 90, 100/)
                           ; (21 values)

Example 2

To generate a 1D float array, you can use NCL's implicit coercion by multiplying the ispan result by a float value.

   mlon = 128
   y = ispan (0,mlon-1,1)*1.  ; y = (/0.,1.,2., ..., 127./) (128 values)

   dlon = 360./mlon
   lon  = ispan(0,mlon-1,1)*dlon  ; lon = (/0, 2.8125, ... , 357.1875/)

Example 3

This example shows how you can use long and int64 input.

This will only work in version 6.0.0 or later. Also, for arrays >= 2 gigabytes (GB), this will only work on 64-bit systems with enough memory.

  i_2_31 = tolong(2^31)   ; = 2 GB
  i_2_32 = toint64(2^32)  ; > 2 GB

;---Create a 1D long (2 GB) array, using long input.
  iil = ispan(1,i_2_31,1)

;---Create a 1D int64 (> 2 GB) array, using int64 input.
  ii64 = ispan(0,i_2_32,1)