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NCL command line editing and history

When running NCL interactively at the command line, certain keys can be used to navigate through and edit the 25 most recent commands. These key sequences are based on the editline library.

The following is a list of the key sequences and what they do.

     The following control characters are accepted:
          ^A       Move to the beginning of the line
          ^B       Move left (backward) [n]
          ^D       Delete character [n]
          ^E       Move to end of line
          ^F       Move right (forward) [n]
          ^G       Ring the bell
          ^H       Delete character before cursor (backspace key) [n]
          ^I       Complete filename (tab key); see below
          ^J       Done with line (return key)
          ^K       Kill to end of line (or column [n])
          ^L       Redisplay line
          ^M       Done with line (alternate return key)
          ^N       Get next line from history [n]
          ^P       Get previous line from history [n]
          ^R       Search backward (forward if [n]) through history for text;
                   must start line if text begins with an up arrow
          ^T       Transpose characters
          ^V       Insert next character, even if it is an edit command
          ^W       Wipe to the mark
          ^X^X     Exchange current location and mark
          ^Y       Yank back last killed text
          ^[       Start an escape sequence (escape key)
          ^]c      Move forward to next character ``c''
          ^?       Delete character before cursor (delete key) [n]
     The following escape sequences are provided.
          ESC ^H   Delete previous word (backspace key) [n]
          ESC DEL  Delete previous word (delete key) [n]
          ESC SP   Set the mark (space key); see ^X^X and ^Y above
          ESC .    Get the last (or [n]'th) word from previous line
          ESC ?    Show possible completions; see below
          ESC <    Move to start of history
          ESC >    Move to end of history
          ESC b    Move backward a word [n]
          ESC d    Delete word under cursor [n]
          ESC f    Move forward a word [n]
          ESC l    Make word lowercase [n]
          ESC u    Make word uppercase [n]
          ESC y    Yank back last killed text
          ESC v    Show library version
          ESC w    Make area up to mark yankable
          ESC nn   Set repeat count to the number nn
          ESC C    Read from environment variable ``_C_'', where C is
                   an uppercase letter