NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > Workstation routines


Changes the output workstation of one or more NCL View objects.


	procedure NhlChangeWorkstation (
		objects         : graphic,  
		workstation [1] : graphic   



An array of one or more NCL View objects. View objects are created by using one of the many gsn functions, or by calling the NCL create language construct.


An NCL Workstation identifier. The identifier is one returned either from calling gsn_open_wks or calling create to create a Workstation object.


This procedure is used to change the parent workstation for one or more NCL View objects. The parent workstation for each View object in the array objects is changed to the workstation referenced by workstation.

See Also

frame, draw


This example shows how to use NhlChangeWorkstation to change the workstation from an X11 window to three other workstation types: an NCGM file, a PostScript file, and a PDF file:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"


  ascii_filename = "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/data/asc/seismic.asc"

  seismic = asciiread(ascii_filename,(/52,3/),"float")

  x = seismic(:,0)  ; Column 1 of file contains X values.
  y = seismic(:,1)  ; Column 2 of file contains Y values.
  z = seismic(:,2)  ; Column 3 of file contains Z values.

  numxout = 20     ; Define output grid for call to "natgrids".
  numyout = 20
  xmin    = min(x)
  ymin    = min(y)
  xmax    = max(x)
  ymax    = max(y)
  xc      = (xmax-xmin)/(numxout-1)
  yc      = (ymax-ymin)/(numyout-1)
  xo      = xmin + ispan(0,numxout-1,1)*xc
  yo      = ymin + ispan(0,numyout-1,1)*yc

  zo = natgrids(x, y, z, xo, yo)  ; Interpolate.

  xo@long_name = "x values"   ; Define some attributes.
  yo@long_name = "y values"
  zo@long_name = "Depth of a subsurface stratum"

  xwks   = gsn_open_wks( "x11","gsun08n") ; Open an X11 workstation.
  cgmwks = gsn_open_wks("ncgm","gsun08n") ; Open an NCGM workstation.
  pswks  = gsn_open_wks(  "ps","gsun08n") ; Open a PS workstation.
  pdfwks = gsn_open_wks( "pdf","gsun08n") ; Open a PDF workstation.

  cmap = (/(/1., 1., 1./), (/0., 0., 0./), (/1., 0., 0./), (/1., 0., .4/), \
           (/1., 0., .8/), (/1., .2, 1./), (/1., .6, 1./), (/.6, .8, 1./), \
           (/.2, .8, 1./), (/.2, .8, .6/), (/.2, .8, 0./), (/.2, .4, .0/), \
           (/.2, .4, .4/), (/.2, .4, .8/), (/.6, .4, .8/), (/.6, .8, .8/), \
           (/.6, .8, .4/), (/1., .6, .8/)/)

  gsn_define_colormap(  xwks,cmap) ; Define a color map for each of
  gsn_define_colormap(cgmwks,cmap) ; the four workstations you
  gsn_define_colormap( pswks,cmap) ; just opened.

;----------- Begin first plot -----------------------------------------

  resources                       = True
  resources@sfXArray              = xo            ; X axes data points
  resources@sfYArray              = yo            ; Y axes data points

  resources@tiMainString          = zo@long_name  ; Main title
  resources@tiMainFont            = "Times-Bold"
  resources@tiXAxisString         = "x values"    ; X axis label.
  resources@tiYAxisString         = "y values"    ; Y axis label.

  resources@cnFillOn              = True     ; Turn on contour fill.
  resources@cnInfoLabelOn         = False    ; Turn off info label.
  resources@cnLineLabelsOn        = False    ; Turn off line labels.

  resources@lbOrientation         = "Horizontal" ; Draw it horizontally.
  resources@lbPerimOn             = False        ; Turn off perimeter.
  resources@pmLabelBarDisplayMode = "Always"     ; Turn on a label bar.
  resources@pmLabelBarSide        = "Bottom"     ; Change location of 
                                                 ; label bar.
  resources@vpYF = 0.9   ; Change Y location of plot.

  zo!0 = "i"  ; Name the dimensions of "zo".
  zo!1 = "j"

  contour = gsn_contour(xwks,zo(j|:,i|:),resources) ; Draw a contour plot.

;----------- Begin second plot -----------------------------------------

  delete(resources)   ; Start with a new list of resources.

  resources                     = True
  resources@tiMainString        = ":F26:slices"   ; Define a title.

  resources@xyLineColors        = (/2,8,10,14/)   ; Define line colors.
  resources@xyLineThicknessF    = 3.0             ; Define line thickness.

  resources@pmLegendDisplayMode    = "Always"     ; Turn on the drawing
                                                  ; of a legend.
  resources@pmLegendZone           = 0            ; Change the location
  resources@pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = 0.31         ; of the legend
  resources@lgJustification        = "BottomRight"

  resources@pmLegendWidthF         = 0.4          ; Change width and
  resources@pmLegendHeightF        = 0.12         ; height of legend.

  resources@pmLegendSide           = "Top"        ; Change location of 
  resources@lgPerimOn              = False        ; legend and turn off
                                                  ; the perimeter.

  resources@xyExplicitLegendLabels = (/"zo(i,2)","zo(i,4)","zo(i,6)","zo(i,8)"/)

  resources@vpYF      = 0.90  ; Change size and location of plot.
  resources@vpXF      = 0.18
  resources@vpWidthF  = 0.74
  resources@vpHeightF = 0.74

  resources@trYMaxF = 980  ; Set the maximum value for the Y axes.

  xy = gsn_xy(xwks,xo,zo(j|2:8:2,i|:),resources) ; Draw an XY plot.

;----------- Draw to other workstations  ------------------------------

  NhlChangeWorkstation(contour,cgmwks)  ; Change the workstation that the
  NhlChangeWorkstation(xy,cgmwks)       ; contour and XY plot is drawn to.
  draw(contour)                         ; Draw the contour plot to the new
  frame(cgmwks)                         ; workstation and advance the frame.
  draw(xy)                              ; Draw the XY plot to the new
  frame(cgmwks)                         ; workstation and advance the frame.

  NhlChangeWorkstation(xy,pswks)        ; Do the same for the PostScript
  NhlChangeWorkstation(contour,pswks)   ; workstation.

  NhlChangeWorkstation(xy,pdfwks)       ; And for the PDF workstation...

  delete(xy)       ; Clean up.