Calculates the area enclosed by an arbitrary polygon on the sphere.
Available in version 6.2.0 and later.
function area_poly_sphere ( lat [*] : numeric, lon [*] : numeric, rsph [1] : numeric ) return_val : numeric
Latitudes and longitudes, in degrees, of the polygon (vertex) locations. These must be in clockwise order. This is the user's responsibility.
rsphRadius of the sphere to be used for the area calculation. rsph=1 will return the area in units of radians; rsph=6371 km would return the area in km^2; rsph=6.37122e06 m would yield m^2.
Return value
The desired spherical area in units of rsph. The return value will be of type double if any of the input arguments is of type double and type float otherwise.
This function finds the area of a polygon patch on the sphere whose vertices are given in degrees as lat/lon pairs. The method uses line integrals. The lat/lon values must be in clockwise order.
Reference: Computing the Area of a Spherical Polygon of Arbitrary Shape Bevis and Cambareri (1987) Mathematical Geology, vol.19, Issue 4, pp 335-346
Missing values are not allowed since it makes no sense to have polygon entries specified as a missing value. It is the user's responsibility to make sure all values are valid locations.
See Also
gc_tarea, gc_tarea, gc_clkwise
Example 1
The following shows that area_poly_sphere matches the results of Example 1 returned by gc_qarea. The points are in clockwise order but use gc_clkwise to verify.
rsph = 1.0 ; return area will be radians qlat = (/90.0, 0.0, -90.0, 0.0/) qlon = (/ 0.0, -90.0, 0.0, 90.0/) qorder = gc_clkwise(qlat, qlon) ; not required qarea_gc = gc_qarea(qlat, qlon) qarea_poly = area_poly_sphere(qlat, qlon, rsph) print ("qarea_gc="+qarea_gc+" qarea_poly="+qarea_poly+" qorder="+qorder)The returned result is:
qarea_gc=6.28319 qarea_poly=6.28319 qorder=True
Example 2
The following shows that area_poly_sphere matches the results of Example 1 returned by gc_tarea. The points are in clockwise order but use gc_clkwise to verify.
rsph = 1.0 ; return area will be radians tlat = (/0.0, 90.0, 0.0/) tlon = (/0.0, 0.0,90.0/) torder = gc_clkwise(tlat, tlon) ; not required tarea_gc = gc_tarea(tlat, tlon) tarea_poly = area_poly_sphere(tlat, tlon, rsph) print ("tarea_gc="+tarea_gc+" tarea_poly="+tarea_poly+" torder="+torder)The returned result is:
tarea_gc=1.5708 tarea_poly=1.5708 torder=True
Example 3
This is the same as Example 2 but the lat/lon locations are not in clockwise order. Since the area_poly_sphere does not check for clockwise order, it will return an incorrect result with no error message.
tlat = (/0.0, 0.0, 90.0/) ; not clockwise tlon = (/0.0, 90.0, 0.0/) torder = gc_clkwise(tlat, tlon) ; False ; an incorrect result would be returned (no warning) tarea_wrong= area_poly_sphere(tlat, tlon, rsph)The robust way would be
if (gc_clkwise(tlat, tlon)) then tarea_poly = area_poly_sphere(tlat, tlon, rsph) else print ("Points are not in clockwise order.") exit end if
Example 4
Read the shapefile associated with the Mississippi River Basin which is distributed with NCL. The latitudes and longitudes are type double. Hence, the computed enclosed area will be type double. The returned area wil vary depending upon the user's choice of rsph. Note: Generally, shapefile lat/lon pairs are in clockwise order. Still, the example uses gc_clkwise to verify that this is true.
;---Open shapefile and read lat/lon values. dir = ncargpath("data") + "/shp/" f = addfile(dir + "mrb.shp", "r") mrb_lon = f->x ; type double mrb_lat = f->y n_mrb = dimsizes(mrb_lat) ; 88565 print("n_mrb="+n_mrb) re = 6371. re@units= "km" if (gc_clkwise(mrb_lat, mrb_lon)) then area_mrb = area_poly_sphere(mrb_lat, mrb_lon, re) area_mrb@units = "km^2" area_mrb@long_name = "Area Enclosed by the MRB" print (area_mrb) else print ("MRB points are not in clockwise order.") exit end ifThe result is:
Variable: area_mrb Type: double Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Area Enclosed by the MRB units : km^2 (0) 3253197.133436443Example 5: Matlab has an example using the function areaquad: "Find the fraction of the Earth's surface that lies between 30N and 45N, and also between 25W and 60E". The Matlab result is:
area_matlab = areaquad(30,-25,45,60) ====> area_matlab=0.0245The area_poly_sphere requires an explicit clockwise path. Two other NCL functions are used for illustration.
rsph = 1.0 qlat = (/ 30.0, 45.0, 45.0, 30.0/) qlon = (/-25.0,-25.0, 45.0, 45.0/) qorder = gc_clkwise(qlat, qlon) ; not required qarea_gc = gc_qarea(qlat, qlon) qarea_poly = area_poly_sphere(qlat, qlon, rsph) print ("qarea_gc="+qarea_gc+" qarea_poly="+qarea_poly+" qorder="+qorder)The returned results are:
qarea_gc=0.24594 qarea_poly=0.24594 qorder=True