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Performs a forward complex discrete fourier transform of a real periodic sequence.


	function cfftf (
		xr   : numeric,  
		xi   : numeric,  
		opt  : integer   

	return_val  :   typeof(x)



A variable containing one or more periodic sequences to be transformed. Since NCL does not support a complex numeric type, this will be the real part of a complex periodic sequence.

For a multi-dimensioned array the rightmost dimension will be transformed. The size of the rightmost dimension need not be a power of 2. However, it is recommended that the length be an even number.


A variable containing one or more periodic sequences to be transformed. Since NCL does not support a complex numeric type, this will be the imaginary part of a complex periodic sequence. This must be the same shape and size as xr. Exception: This argument may be set to a scalar (say, xi_scalar). If so, the underlying computational code will construct the required complex array: carr=cmplx(xr, xi_scalar). Most commonly, this feature is used when performing a complex forward transform on observational data. In this case, xi_scalar=0.0


Currently, not used. Set to zero.

Return value

A double array is returned if either xr or xi is double, otherwise a float array is returned. In addition, two attributes are returned:

  1. npts, containing the length of the input series.
  2. frq, containing the frequencies associated with the returned components.


Given the components of a complex periodic sequence, xr and xi, cfftf performs a forward complex Fourier transform. This is often called Fourier Analysis. The transform is not normalized. To obtain a normalized transform the output must be divided by "N", the size of the rightmost dimension.

The cfftf function returns the same information as the forward real discrete fourier transform, ezfftf. The returned information is in a different form, in particular, the representation of frequency. The real forward transform pertains to the positive frequency portion of the spectrum while the complex forward transform includes positive and negative frequencies. The following is a slightly edited excerpt from the Smith reference.

The real Fourier transform only deals with positive frequencies. That is, the frequency domain index, k, only runs from 0 to N/2. In comparison, the complex Fourier transform includes both positive and negative frequencies. This means k runs from 0 to (N-1). The frequencies between 0 and N/2 are positive, while the frequencies between N/2 and N-1 are negative. Remember, the frequency spectrum of a discrete signal is periodic, making the negative frequencies between N/2 and (N-1) the same as -N/2 and 0. The samples at 0 and N/2 straddle the line between positive an negative.
Paul Swarztrauber offers the following comment (slightly edited):
Historically, the continuous complex transform is defined on the interval -pi to pi with wave numbers -infinity to infinity. In its' discrete form it is defined on the points x sub j = j2pi/N where
if N is  odd then j = -(N-1)/2,...,(N-1)/2

if N is even then j = N/2,...,N/2-1
These integer values also correspond to wave numbers k.

The confusion arises because the description of the transform is often defined with indices j=0,..,N-1 which is true but corresponds to an aliased transform and chosen simply because one does not have to separate the description into parts corresponding to even and odd integers. That is, it is chosen to simplify math presentation. Unfortunately, this can be very confusing to individuals that actually have to use the transform.

Having positive and negative frequencies greatly facilitates application to (say) waves that may travel eastward or westward.

For most applications, the data should be preprocessed. Commonly, the mean, the linear trend [ dtrend ] and known periodic components are removed: eg, a climatological mean and/or the first several harmonics of the annual cycle. Further, since the cfftf assumes the data are periodic, the user may wish to taper prior to performing the analysis. Consult a book on Fourier Analysis for details.

The transformed value at frq=0.0 is the mean of the data being transformed. For graphical purposes, some prefer to set any residual mean to 0.0 or _FillValue.

If any missing values [_FillValue] are encountered in one of the input arrays, then no calculations will be performed on that array, and the corresponding output array will be filled with missing values. Hence, the user should preprocess the data to fill in any missing values. Just any old value will not do! The user must consider how the filled values will affect the spectrum.

A old but nice reference is:

        Peter Bloomfield
        Fourier analysis of time series : An introduction
        New York : John Wiley and Sons  , 1976
A very readable text on the complex fourier transform is:
        Steve Smith
        The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
It is availble at:
In particular, see Chapter 31.

See Also

cfftf_frq_reorder, cfftb, ezfftf, ezfftb, fft2df, fft2db, taper, dtrend, specx_anal, specxy_anal


Example 1

Perform a forward complex fft on a sin or cos. Compare with ezfftf. To save space, users should copy and execute the following script.

   N  = 24
   pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
   AMP= 10.
  ;x  = AMP*cos(2.*pi*fspan(0,N-1,N)/N)
   x  = AMP*sin(2.*pi*fspan(0,N-1,N)/N)
  ;print ("N="+N+"   avg(x)="+avg(x))   ; N=24, avg(x) = 0.0
; cfftf
   cf = cfftf (x, 0.0, 0)    ; imaginary part set to 0.0
   printVarSummary(cf)      ; [2] x [24]

   cf  = cf*(1.0/N)                            ; normalization for 2-sided fft
   cf  = where(abs(cf).lt.1e-6, 0.0, cf)      ; eliminate for nice print
   print(sprintf("%9.5f", cf@frq) +"    "+sprintf("%9.3f", cf(0,:))+"    "+sprintf("%9.3f", cf(1,:)) )
; ezfftf
   cfez = ezfftf (x)         ; [2] x [12]
   cfez = where(abs(cfez).lt.1e-6, 0.0, cfez)       ; eliminate for nice print
   print(sprintf("%9.3f", cfez(0,:))+"    "+sprintf("%9.3f", cfez(1,:)) )
; amplitude
   cfa = sqrt(cf(0,1:)^2 + cf(1,1:)^2)
   print(cfa)    ; (/ 5,0,0, ....  ,0,0,5 /)
   eza = sqrt(cfez(0,:)^2 + cfez(1,:)^2)
   print(eza)    ; (/10,0,0...,0/)
The (edited) output:
Variable: cf
Type: float
Total Size: 192 bytes
            48 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:	[2] x [24]
Number Of Attributes: 2
  npts :	24
  frq :	
(0)	  0.00000        0.000        0.000
(1)	  0.04167        0.000    -5.000      <=== 
(2)	  0.08333        0.000        0.000
i(10)	  0.41667        0.000        0.000
(11)	  0.45833        0.000        0.000
(12)	  0.50000        0.000        0.000
(13)	 -0.45833        0.000        0.000
(21)     -0.12500        0.000        0.000
(22)     -0.08333        0.000        0.000
(23)     -0.04167        0.000     5.000      <=== 

Example 2

Perform a complex forward transform (fourier analysis) of a one dimensional periodic sequence of length 24 (even).

    x  = (/ 1002, 1017, 1018, 1020, 1018, 1027, \ 
            1028, 1030, 1012, 1012,  982, 1012, \
            1001,  996,  995, 1011, 1027, 1025, \ 
            1030, 1016,  996, 1006, 1002,  982  /)
    N  = dimsizes(x)
    df = 1.0/N
    xAvg =  avg(x)

    print ("N="+N+"     df="+df+"   avg(x)="+xAvg)
    cf = cfftf (x, 0.0, 0)   ; imaginary part set to 0.0
    print(sprintf("%9.5f", cf@frq) +"    "+sprintf("%9.3f", cf(0,:))+"    "+sprintf("%9.3f", cf(1,:)) )

The real and imaginary coefficients are accessed via the leftmost dimension. The 0-th and 1-th components refer to the real and imaginary components, respectively. The associated frequencies are returned as an attribute ( frq ).


  1. The results are not normalized. To get normalized results divide by the length of x (N=24). For example, the series mean is 1011.04. Dividing the cf(0,0) value (=24265) by 24 yields 1011.04.
  2. If the mean had been removed prior to performing the transform [ x = x-xAvg ], the values at frq=0.0 would be cf(0,0)=cf(1,0)=0.0
  3. Since the input is a real periodic sequence, the real part is symmetric about the mid-point while the imaginary part is asymmetric.
(0)         N=24     df=0.0416667   avg(x)=1011.04


Variable: cf
Type: float
Total Size: 192 bytes
            48 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:   [2] x [24] 
Number Of Attributes: 2
  npts :        24
  frq : [ARRAY of 24 elements]


            frq          real         imag          
(0)       0.00000    24265.000        0.000                <== 24265/24=1011.04

(1)       0.04167       16.061      -44.823
(2)       0.08333     -161.808      -82.658
(3)       0.12500       26.000      -40.355
(4)       0.16667       39.500       -4.330
(5)       0.20833      -64.781      -36.235
(6)       0.25000        1.000      -12.000
(7)       0.29167      -32.697      -49.359
(8)       0.33333       32.500      -18.187
(9)       0.37500       26.000      -30.355
(10)      0.41667       -4.192       31.658
(11)      0.45833       35.417      -33.699

(12)      0.50000      -43.000        0.000

(13)     -0.45833       35.417       33.699
(14)     -0.41667       -4.192      -31.658
(15)     -0.37500       26.000       30.355
(16)     -0.33333       32.500       18.187
(17)     -0.29167      -32.697       49.359
(18)     -0.25000        1.000       12.000
(19)     -0.20833      -64.781       36.235
(20)     -0.16667       39.500        4.330
(21)     -0.12500       26.000       40.355
(22)     -0.08333     -161.808       82.658
(23)     -0.04167       16.061       44.823

Example 3

Note: For efficiency, it is recommended that the length of the series to be transformed be even. However, for a more complete illustration of results, Example 2 is repeated but with an odd number of data points.

    x  = (/ 1002, 1017, 1018, 1020, 1018, 1027, \ 
            1028, 1030, 1012, 1012,  982, 1012, \
            1001,  996,  995, 1011, 1027, 1025, \ 
            1030, 1016,  996, 1006, 1002        /)
The output is as follows.
(0)         N=23     df=0.0434783   avg(x)=1012.3

            frq          real         imag          
(0)       0.00000   23283.000        0.000                <== 23283/23=1012.3

(1)       0.04348       44.863      -39.946
(2)       0.08696     -149.203      -30.207
(3)       0.13043       14.661      -42.318
(4)       0.17391       59.548      -26.019
(5)       0.21739      -42.718       11.815
(6)       0.26087       12.999        1.109
(7)       0.30435      -45.826       15.366
(8)       0.34783       -1.615      -14.204
(9)       0.39130      -25.634      -34.552
(10)      0.43478       31.800       16.827
(11)      0.47826      -17.375      -45.505

(12)     -0.47826      -17.375       45.505
(13)     -0.43478       31.800      -16.827
(14)     -0.39130      -25.634       34.552
(15)     -0.34783       -1.615       14.204
(16)     -0.30435      -45.826      -15.366
(17)     -0.26087       12.999       -1.109
(18)     -0.21739      -42.718      -11.815
(19)     -0.17391       59.548       26.019
(20)     -0.13043       14.661       42.318
(21)     -0.08696     -149.203       30.207
(22)     -0.04348       44.863       39.946

Example 4

Plot the complex frequency spectrum of Example 2. The issue is that the returned frq attribute is not monotonically increasing.

  1. The simplest approach would be to replace the returned frequency attribute with values in the range 0 to 1 or create a new array containing the new values. Either is readily accomplished via
                 cf@frq = (ispan(0,N-1,1)*1.0)/N
                        ; ============= or ========================
                      f = (ispan(0,N-1,1)*1.0)/N
    The cf@frq or f could be used for the plot abscissa.

  2. The convention is to use a frequency scale that spans -0.5 to 0.5. To accomplish this the returned values must be reordered.
                 xf = cfftf_frq_reorder( cf )
                 print(sprintf("%9.5f", xf@frq) +"    "+sprintf("%9.3f", xf(0,:))+"    "+sprintf("%9.3f", xf(1,:)) )
                frq          real         imag          
    (0)      -0.50000      -43.000        0.000
    (1)      -0.45833       35.417       33.699
    (2)      -0.41667       -4.192      -31.658
    (3)      -0.37500       26.000       30.355
    (4)      -0.33333       32.500       18.187
    (5)      -0.29167      -32.697       49.359
    (6)      -0.25000        1.000       12.000
    (7)      -0.20833      -64.781       36.235
    (8)      -0.16667       39.500        4.330
    (9)      -0.12500       26.000       40.355
    (10)     -0.08333     -161.808       82.658
    (11)     -0.04167       16.061       44.823
    (12)      0.00000    24265.000        0.000      <=== had the mean been removed both would be 0.0
    (13)      0.04167       16.061      -44.823
    (14)      0.08333     -161.808      -82.658
    (15)      0.12500       26.000      -40.355
    (16)      0.16667       39.500       -4.330
    (17)      0.20833      -64.781      -36.235
    (18)      0.25000        1.000      -12.000
    (19)      0.29167      -32.697      -49.359
    (20)      0.33333       32.500      -18.187
    (21)      0.37500       26.000      -30.355
    (22)      0.41667       -4.192       31.658
    (23)      0.45833       35.417      -33.699

    Example 5

    Compare the variances calculated via variance, ezfftf and cfftf. There are different normalizations for the FFT functions.

         x    = (/ 1002, 1017, 1018, 1020, 1018, 1027, \
                   1028, 1030, 1012, 1012, 982, 1012, \
                   1001, 996, 995, 1011, 1027, 1025, \
                   1030, 1016, 996, 1006, 1002, 982 /)*1.0       ; even
                 ;;1030, 1016, 996, 1006, 1002, 982, 999 /)*1.0  ; odd
         N    = dimsizes(x)
         xVar = variance(x)*(N-1.)/N    ; biased estimate
    ; cfftf
         cf   = cfftf (x, 0.0, 0) ; imaginary part set to 0.0
         cf  = cf*(1.0/N)                  ; normalization for 2-sided fft
       ;;print("cfftf: "+sprintf("%9.5f",cf@frq)+" "+sprintf("%9.3f", cf(0,:))+" "+sprintf("%9.3f", cf(1,:)) )
                                           ; cf(0,0) = mean  , cf(1,0)=0.0
         cf2   = cf(0,1:)^2 + cf(1,1:)^2   ; sum after normalization
         cf2sum= sum(cf2)
    ; ezfftf
         cfez = ezfftf (x)
       ;;print("ezfftf: "+sprintf("%9.3f", cfez(0,:))+" "+sprintf("%9.3f", cfez(1,:)) )
         cfez2   = cfez(0,:)^2 + cfez(1,:)^2
         cfez2sum= sum(cfez2)
         if (N%2 .eq. 0) then
             N2 = N/2
             cfez_var = 0.5*sum(cfez2(0:N2-2)) + cfez2(N2-1)
             cfez_var = 0.5*sum(cfez2)
         end if
         print("       variance="+xVar)     ; biased estimate
         print("cfftf: variance="+cf2sum  )
         print("ezfftf: variance="+cfez_var)
    All results were 193.207