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Returns the name of a script of commands provided to NCL for execution, if provided, with any script name tag removed.


	function get_script_prefix_name (

	return_val [1] :  string

Return value

Returns a singly dimensioned string containing the name of the file of commands, if provided, to NCL for execution, with the script name tag removed.


This function returns the name of a script of commands that NCL was invoked with, if provided, with the script name tag removed.

See Also



Example 1

Print the name of the command file provided to NCL. If NCL is invoked as:

% ncl myScript.ncl

the script itself can announce how NCL was invoked:

  script_name  = get_script_prefix_name()  ; string
  print(script_name)                ; Or, just print(get_script_prefix_name())
The following string is returned:

Example 2

If no script is provided to NCL, the default missing value for type string is returned. If NCL is invoked as:

% ncl

the function will return:


  (0) missing