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Resolves a single list of indices to their multi-dimensional representation.


	function ind_resolve (
		indices [*] : byte, short, integer or long,  
		dsizes  [*] : byte, short, integer or long   

	return_val  :  integer or long



A list of indices into a one-dimensional array that was converted to a one-dimensional array from a multi-dimensional array.


A list of dimension sizes of the multi-dimensioned array mentioned above.


ind_resolve takes a list of indices into a one-dimensional array (that was converted from a multi-dimensional array) and returns the list of indices that they represent in the multi-dimensional array. The array returned will be dimensioned N x M, where N is the number of indices and M is the length of dsizes (the number of dimensions of the multi-dimensional array).

As of version 6.0.0, this function allows "long" input for the indices and/or dimension sizes, which potentially allows you to have values greater than or equal to 2 gigabytes (GB) on a 64-bit system. This function will return longs if on a 64-bit system and any of the values are >= 2 GB.

See Also

ind, region_ind, get1Dindex, where, ndtooned, onedtond


Example 1

The following example demonstrates the usefulness of the ind_resolve function in conjunction with the ind function. Note that this code can be simplified to two lines of code by the use of the where function, which will be demonstrated below.

; Create sample multi-dimensioned array.
; The following creates a 3D array of size 2 x 2 x 4.
  a = (/(/(/1,2,3,4/), (/5,6,7,8/)/), (/(/9,10,9,8/),(/7,6,5,4/)/)/)
; Returns the index locations where "a" is greater than 5.
; NCL's ndtooned is used to temporarily
; reshape "a" as is required by the ind function.
  a1D      = ndtooned(a)
  dsizes_a = dimsizes(a)
  indices  = ind_resolve(ind(,dsizes_a)

; Set all elements of "a" which are greater than 5 to -999.

  dim_ida  = dimsizes(indices)     
  npts     = dim_ida(0)       ; number of elements > 5 (here 9)
  ndim     = dim_ida(1)       ; rank of "a"  (here 3)
  a@_FillValue = -999
  do n=0,npts-1
     a(indices(n,0),indices(n,1),indices(n,2)) = a@_FillValue
  end do

There are nine index locations where a is greater than 5: (0,1,1), (0,1,2), (0,1,3), (1,0,0), (1,0,1), (1,0,2), (1,0,3), (1,1,0), and (1,1,1). The above script, then, will return an array dimensioned 9 x 3 with the following values:

Variable: indices
Type: integer
Total Size: 108 bytes
            27 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:   [9] x [3]
Number Of Attributes: 1
  _FillValue :  -999
(0,0)   0
(0,1)   1
(0,2)   1
(1,0)   0
(1,1)   1
(1,2)   2
(2,0)   0
(2,1)   1
(2,2)   3
(3,0)   1
(3,1)   0
(3,2)   0
(4,0)   1
(4,1)   0
(4,2)   1
(5,0)   1
(5,1)   0
(5,2)   2
(6,0)   1
(6,1)   0
(6,2)   3
(7,0)   1
(7,1)   1
(7,2)   0
(8,0)   1
(8,1)   1
(8,2)   1

After the do loop, the array a contains the following:

Variable: a
Type: integer
Total Size: 64 bytes
           16 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes:   [2] x [2] x [4]
(0,0,0) 1
(0,0,1) 2
(0,0,2) 3
(0,0,3) 4
(0,1,0) 5
(0,1,1) -999
(0,1,2) -999
(0,1,3) -999
(1,0,0) -999
(1,0,1) -999
(1,0,2) -999
(1,0,3) -999
(1,1,0) -999
(1,1,1) -999
(1,1,2) 5
(1,1,3) 4

The above code can be drastically simplified by the use of the where function:

  a@_FillValue = -999
  a = where(,a,a@_FillValue)
Example 2

Determine all locations of a multi-dimensional array (x) where the elements match the minimum or maximum values. This is a more general approach than offered by the maxind and minind functions:

  xMax = max(x)
  xMin = min(x)
  x1D = ndtooned(x)     ; only do this once
  indMax = ind_resolve(ind(x1D.eq.xMax),dimsizes(x))  ; locations of max
  indMin = ind_resolve(ind(x1D.eq.xMin),dimsizes(x))  ; locations of min
  delete (x1D)

Example 3

Assume x is a three-dimensional array with coordinate variables (time,lat,lon). Print the coordinates where -3 < x < 9. Before executing various statements, check to make sure that at least some values of x satisfy the criteria. Use the num function to test if there are values between -3 and 9, then print the times, latitudes, and longitudes:

  if (num( .and. .gt. 0) then
      x1D = ndtooned(x)   
      i1D = ind( .and. 
      i   = ind_resolve(i1D, dimsizes(x) )     ; 2D  [npts,3]  (rank(x)=3)
      print(time(i(:,0)) +"  "+ lat(i(:,1)) +"  "+lon(i(:,2)) )

      delete(x1d)     ; no longer needed
  end if