Counts the number of True values in the input.
function num ( val : logical ) return_val [1] : integer or long
valAn array of logical values of any dimensionality.
This function counts the number of True values in the input, ignoring missing values.
All numerical values except for 0 evaluate to True.
As of version 6.0.0, this function will return type "long" if the count is greater than or equal to 2 GB.
See Also
Example 1
The following is a simple example that should print the value "2":
a = (/1,2,3,4,5/) print(num(
Example 2
To count the number of non-missing values in an array, use the ismissing function. The input array must have the _FillValue attribute set:
N = num(.not.ismissing(x))
Example 3
Assume x is a four-dimensional array with dimensions ntim x klev x nlat x mlon. Use ismissing and num to count the number of missing values at each level and time, and print out the number as a percent of the total:
NM = 100./(nlat*mlon) ; the 100. will force NM to be type float do nt=0,ntim-1 do kl=0,klev-1 N = num(ismissing(x(nt,kl,:,:))) PC= N/NM print ("nt="+nt+" kl="+kl+" N="+N+" %="+PC) end do end do
Example 4
Compute the joint pdf of two variables C and V. This arose from a question sent to ncl-talk.
begin N = 10000 c = random_normal ( 0,5,N) v = random_normal ( 0,5,N) nc_bin = 51 ; => 50 bins nv_bin = 41 ; => 40 bins c_bin = fspan(-10,10,nc_bin) v_bin = fspan(-5 ,20,nv_bin) count = new ( (/nc_bin,nv_bin/) , integer) count = 0 ; initialize to 0 do ic=0,nc_bin-2 do iv=0,nv_bin-2 count(ic,iv) = num( .and. .and. \ .and. ) if (count(ic,iv).gt.0) then print("ic="+ic+" iv="+iv+" count="+count(ic,iv) ) end if end do end do fpc = (100.*count)/N ; frequency [%] (nc_bin,nv_bin) printVarSummary(fpc) K = sum( count ) ; < N F = sum( fpc ) print("------") print("K="+K+" F[%]="+F) print("------") ; extra stuff cbmin = min(c_bin) cbmax = max(c_bin) vbmin = min(v_bin) vbmax = max(v_bin) ; count corner outlier cases k1 = num ( .and. k2 = num ( .and. k3 = num ( .and. k4 = num ( .and. ; one outlier, one not k5 = num ( .and. .and. k6 = num ( .and. .and. k7 = num ( .and. .and. k8 = num ( .and. .and. KTOT = K + k1+ k2+ k3+ k4+ k5+ k6+ k7+ k8 print("k1="+k1) print("k2="+k2) print("k3="+k3) print("k4="+k4) print("k5="+k5) print("k6="+k6) print("k7="+k7) print("k8="+k8) print("------") print("KTOT="+KTOT) print("------") if (KTOT.eq.N) then print (" Lucky!!! Numbers add up. :-)") end if endSampled out includes:
ic=0 iv=1 count=1 ic=0 iv=2 count=2 [snip] ic=15 iv=0 count=8 ic=15 iv=1 count=10 ic=15 iv=2 count=8 ic=15 iv=3 count=8 ic=15 iv=4 count=15 ic=15 iv=5 count=11 ic=15 iv=6 count=12 ic=15 iv=7 count=10 ic=15 iv=8 count=16 ic=15 iv=9 count=13 ic=15 iv=10 count=14 [snip] ic=49 iv=16 count=2 ic=49 iv=17 count=3 ic=49 iv=19 count=1 --------- Variable: fpc Type: float Total Size: 8364 bytes 2091 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [51] x [41] --------- K=8014 F[%]=80.1399 k1=40 k2=0 k3=34 k4=0 k5=200 k6=181 k7=1529 k8=2 KTOT=10000 Lucky!!! Numbers add up. :-)