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Computes the natural log of a numeric type.


	function log (
		value  : numeric   

	return_val [dimsizes(value)] :  float or double



An array of one or more values of any dimension value > 0.0

Return value

Returns a floating point array dimensioned the same as value.

The return type is floating point if the input is floating point, and double if the input is of type double.


This function returns the natural logarithm of each element of value. Missing values are ignored.

See Also

exp log10


Example 1

  f = 3.6
  log_f = log(f)
  print(log_f)        ; Should be 1.280934
Example 2: Find the cube root of 3112.136 [=x^3]

  x = exp( log(3112.136)/3.0 )
  print( x )        ; Should be 14.6
Example 3: Solve the following for x: y = 9.328*(0.729-x^3) - 1.8

   y = 2.0
   x = exp( log(0.729-((y+1.8)/9.328))/3.0 )  ; = 0.685


If value < 0.0, nan is returned.

If value = 0.0, -inf is returned.