Returns a logical array of True/False/Missing indicating where the input array of strings contain the given substring (case sensitive).
Available in version 6.5.0 and later.
function str_match_bool ( string_array : string, sub_string [1] : string ) return_val [dimsizes(string_array)] : logical
string_arrayA string array of any dimensionality.
sub_stringThe substring to be matched.
This function returns a logical array the same size as the input string_array that is set to True for every element that contains sub_string, the logical "Missing" for every value that is missing in the string_array, and False otherwise.
str_match_bool is case SENSITIVE. Use str_match_bool_ic if you need case insensitivity.
Jared Lee (NCAR/RAL) contributed the original version of this function.
See Also
str_match_bool_ic, str_index_of_substr, str_sub_str, str_match, str_match_ic, str_match_ind, str_match_ind_ic, str_match_regex, str_match_ic_regex, str_match_ind_regex, str_match_ind_ic_regex
Example 1
s = (/ "foo", "bar", "missing", "Foo", "FOOBAR", "barfoo", "oof" /) s@_FillValue = "missing" smb = str_match_bool(s, "foo") print(smb)Output:
Variable: smb Type: logical Total Size: 28 bytes 7 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes:[7] Coordinates: Number Of Attributes: 1 _FillValue :Missing True False Missing False False True False
Example 2
If you need the return array to be False at locations where the input strings are missing (instead of the logical "Missing"), then use the following:
smb = str_match_bool(s, "foo") smb = where(ismissing(smb), False, smb) print(smb)Output:
Variable: smb Type: logical Total Size: 28 bytes 7 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes:[7] Coordinates: Number Of Attributes: 1 _FillValue :Missing True False False False False True False