Coerces values of type string to values of type character.
function stringtocharacter ( string_val : string ) return_val : character [see below for details]
string_valA string variable of any dimensionality.
Return value
Returns an array of characters. For details, refer to the description section below.
For a single string, this function returns an array of characters that make up the string plus a NULL character. Thus the length of the returned array of characters will be one plus the number of characters in the string in order to accommodate the NULL byte that terminates every NCL string.
For a singly-dimensioned array of strings, stringtocharacter finds the string of maximum length in the array of strings and returns a two-dimensional array. The dimension size of the first dimension of the returned array equals the number of strings in the input array, and the dimension size of the second dimension will be one greater than the length of the longest string in the array of strings (the increment of one being to accommodate the terminating NULL byte for strings).
For arrays of strings with dimensionality greater than one, stringtocharacter returns an array of characters of dimensionality one greater than the dimensionality of the array of strings. The final dimension of the array of characters will have dimension size one greater than the length of the longest string in the array of strings (the increment of one being to accommodate the terminating NULL byte for strings).
See Example 1 for clarification.
The sizeof function does not return the length of a string. To get the length of a string you can do the following:
len_of_str = sizeof(stringtocharacter(str)) - 1Decrementing by one in the above is necessary to account for the NULL terminating byte in the string.
This function performs coercion that is not automatically available through the NCL grammar. See the section on coercion of types for details on NCL's automatic type conversions.
The function stringtochar is identical to this function, and can be used if you don't want to use the full stringtocharacter name. This alias name is included just for people who don't like to type (or like the shorter names).
Unless you go way out of your way, the missing value for the target variable will be the default missing value for a character (0x00 hex). String missing values in the original variable will result in character missing values.
Important notes:
- When converting a string to character array using stringtocharacter,
there is an ending NULL character (appears as '\0' in C program language) at end of the array.
- When converting a string to character array using tochar,
there is no ending NULL character at the end of the array.
- The NCL developers generally recommend using tochar to convert strings
to character arrays.
See Also
tochar, charactertostring, stringtofloat, stringtointeger, stringtoshort, stringtolong, stringtodouble
Example 1
Convert various string variables to character arrays.
begin ; ; A single string. ; a = "ABCDE" b = stringtocharacter(a) print(b) ; ; Find a substring of a. ; print(b(1:3)) ; ; Print the length of the string in a (have to use the array of characters). ; print("length of string = " + (sizeof(b)-1) ) ; ; A singly-dimensioned array of strings. ; c = (/ "A", "AB", "ABC", "abc", "ab", "a" /) d = stringtocharacter(c) print(d) ; ; A multiply-dimensioned array of strings. ; e = new((/2,3/),string) e(0,0) = "A" e(0,1) = "AB" e(0,2) = "ABC" e(1,0) = "d" e(1,1) = "de" e(1,2) = "defg" f = stringtocharacter(e) print(f) end