Type converters
These functions convert between various NCL data types. The bulk of the functions convert between bytes, shorts, integers, floats, longs, doubles, characters, and strings in those cases where NCL does not provide automatic coercion. See the section on coercion of types for details on NCL's automatic type conversions.Outside of the special attribute _FillValue, most of the conversion functions do not copy over metadata. The exceptions are the "contributed.ncl" functions:
byte2flt | Converts values of type byte to values of type float. |
byte2flt_hdf | Converts values of type byte to values of type float using the "scale" and "offset" attributes (if present). |
charactertodouble | Coerces values of type character to values of type double (deprecated; use todouble). |
charactertofloat | Coerces values of type character to values of type float (deprecated; use tofloat). |
charactertointeger | Coerces values of type character to values of type integer (deprecated; use tointeger). |
charactertolong | Coerces values of type character to values of NCL type long (deprecated; use tolong). |
charactertoshort | Coerces values of type character to values of type short (deprecated; use toshort). |
charactertostring | Coerces values of type character to values of type string (deprecated; use tostring). |
chartodouble | Coerces values of type character to values of type double (deprecated; use todouble). |
chartofloat | Coerces values of type character to values of type float (deprecated; use tofloat). |
chartoint | Coerces values of type character to values of type integer (deprecated; use toint). |
chartointeger | Coerces values of type character to values of type integer (deprecated; use tointeger). |
chartolong | Coerces values of type character to values of NCL type long (deprecated; use tolong). |
chartoshort | Coerces values of type character to values of type short (deprecated; use toshort). |
chartostring | Coerces values of type character to values of type string (deprecated; use tostring). |
cshstringtolist | Converts a comma delimited string from csh and breaks it up into separate strings. |
datatondc | Converts data units into normalized device coordinates (NDCs). |
dble2flt | Converts values of type double to values of type float and preserves metadata. |
doubletobyte | Coerces values of type double to values of type byte (deprecated; use tobyte). |
doubletochar | Coerces values of type double to values of type character (deprecated; use tochar). |
doubletocharacter | Coerces values of type double to values of type character (deprecated; use tochar). |
doubletofloat | Coerces values of type double to values of type float (deprecated; use tofloat). |
doubletoint | Coerces values of type double to values of type integer (deprecated; use toint). |
doubletointeger | Coerces values of type double to values of type integer (deprecated; use tointeger). |
doubletolong | Coerces values of type double to values of type long (deprecated; use tolong). |
doubletoshort | Coerces values of type double to values of type short (deprecated; use toshort). |
floattobyte | Coerces values of type float to values of type byte. |
floattochar | Coerces values of type float to values of type character. |
floattocharacter | Coerces values of type float to values of type character. |
floattoint | Coerces values of type float to values of type integer. |
floattointeger | Coerces values of type float to values of type integer. |
floattolong | Coerces values of type float to values of type long. |
floattoshort | Coerces values of type float to values of type short. |
flt2dble | Converts values of type float to values of type double and preserves metadata. |
flt2string | Converts values of type float to values of type string. |
int2dble | Converts values of type integer to values of type float and preserves metadata. |
int2flt | Converts values of type integer to values of type float and preserves metadata. |
integertobyte | Coerces values of type integer to values of type byte. |
integertochar | Coerces values of type integer to values of type character. |
integertocharacter | Coerces values of type integer to values of type character. |
integertoshort | Coerces values of type integer to values of type short. |
inttobyte | Coerces values of type integer to values of type byte. |
inttochar | Coerces values of type integer to values of type character. |
inttoshort | Coerces values of type integer to values of type short. |
longtobyte | Coerces values of type long to values of type byte. |
longtochar | Coerces values of type long to values of type character. |
longtocharacter | Coerces values of type long to values of type character. |
longtoint | Coerces values of type long to values of type integer. |
longtointeger | Coerces values of type long to values of type integer. |
longtoshort | Coerces values of type long to values of type short. |
ndctodata | Converts normalized device coordinates (NDCs) into data coordinates. |
NhlDataToNDC | Converts data units into normalized device coordinates (NDCs). |
NhlNDCToData | Converts normalized device coordinates (NDCs) into data coordinates. |
numeric2int | Converts values of any numeric type to type integer. |
pack_values | Compress values of type float or double to values of type short or byte. |
short2flt | Converts values of type short to values of type float using the "scale" and "offset" attributes (if present). |
short2flt_hdf | Converts values of type short to values of type float using the "scale" and "offset" attributes (if present). |
shorttobyte | Coerces values of type short to values of type byte. |
shorttochar | Coerces values of type short to values of type character. |
shorttocharacter | Coerces values of type short to values of type character. |
stringtochar | Coerces values of type string to values of type character. |
stringtocharacter | Coerces values of type string to values of type character. |
stringtodouble | Coerces values of type string to values of type double. |
stringtofloat | Coerces values of type string to values of type float. |
stringtoint | Coerces values of type string to values of type integer. |
stringtointeger | Coerces values of type string to values of type integer. |
stringtolong | Coerces values of type string to values of type long. |
stringtoshort | Coerces values of type string to values of type short. |
tobyte | Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type (NCL) byte (unsigned char). |
tochar | Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type char. |
todouble | Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type double. |
tofloat | Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type float. |
toint | Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type integer. |
toint64 | Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type int64 (64 bit long, or long long). |
tointeger | Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type integer. |
tolong | Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type long. |
toshort | Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type short. |
tosigned | Converts any kind of 8/16/32/64 integers to its corresponding signed integers. |
tostring | Converts values of any snumeric data type to values of type string. |
tostring_with_format | Converts values of any snumeric data type to values of type string, with specified format. |
totype | Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of the given type. |
toubyte | Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type unsigned byte. |
touint | Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type unsigned integer. |
touint64 | Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type uint64 (unsigned 64 bit long, or unsigned long long). |
toulong | Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type unsigned long. |
tounsigned | Converts any kind of 8/16/32/64 integers to its corresponding unsigned integers. |
toushort | Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type unsigned short. |
ushorttoint | Coerces values of type unsigned short to values of type integer. |