Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type unsigned long.
Available in version 5.2.0 and later.
function toulong ( input_val : snumeric data type or string ) return_val [dimsizes(input_val)] : unsigned long
input_valA variable of any snumeric data type or string of any dimension.
Return value
Returns unsigned longs. If the input variable is float or double, then any fractional part of the input values is truncated. The dimensionality of the output matches that of the input.
Any input value that is out of range for a unsigned long will be returned as a missing value.
This function converts any snumerical data or string to unsigned long values. If the input is float or double, then the fractional part is truncated.
Any input value that is out of range for a unsigned long will be returned as a missing value.
Attributes, with the exception of _FillValue, are not propagated by the conversion functions.
Special considerations apply to how missing values and out-of-range values are handled in the conversion functions. For this function an out-of-range value could be valid in its original type, but not in the valid range of a unsigned long. An out-of-range value is converted to a missing value, but what that missing value is depends on the circumstances of the particular conversion being performed. For example, determination has to be made whether a missing value for a variable to be converted is in the range of the type of the target variable.
See Also
tochar, tobyte, toshort, toushort, toint, touint, tolong, toint64, touint64, tostring, totype
a = 348564L b = 142831L c = a - b d = a + b e = a * b f = e / c g = (/a, b, c, d/) print(a) ;Variable: a ;Type: ulong ;Total Size: 4 bytes ; 1 values ;Number of Dimensions: 1 ;Dimensions and sizes: [1] ;Coordinates: ;(0) 348564 print(b) print(c) print(d) print(e) print(f) print(g) h = abs(a) print(h) i = min(g) print(i) j = max(g) print(j) short_array = new((/2,2/), short) short_array = 215h print(short_array) short2ulong = toulong(short_array) print(short2ulong) ushort_array = new((/2,2/), ushort) ushort_array = 8924H print(ushort_array) ushort2ulong = toulong(ushort_array) print(ushort2ulong) int_array = new((/2,2/), integer) int_array = 2147483640 print(int_array) int2ulong = toulong(int_array) print(int2ulong) uint_array = new((/2,2/), uint) uint_array = 2147483649I print(uint_array) uint2ulong = toulong(uint_array) print(uint2ulong) long_array = new((/2,2/), long) long_array = 2147483641l print(long_array) long2ulong = toulong(long_array) print(long2ulong) ulong_array = new((/2,2/), ulong) ulong_array = 2147483649L print(ulong_array) ulong2ulong = toulong(ulong_array) print(ulong2ulong) int64_array = new((/2,2/), int64) int64_array = 9223372028264841214q print(int64_array) int642ulong = toulong(int64_array) print(int642ulong) uint64_array = new((/2,2/), uint64) uint64_array = 9223372028264841219Q print(uint64_array) uint642ulong = toulong(uint64_array) print(uint642ulong) str_array = new((/2,2/), string, "997452379") str_array = "123456" print(str_array) str2ulong = toulong(str_array) print(str2ulong) float_array =new ((/2,2/), float) float_array = 1.2384 print(float_array) float2ulong = toulong(float_array) print(float2ulong) double_array = new((/2,2/), double) double_array = 1238278456.02394 print(double_array) double2ulong = toulong(double_array) print(double2ulong) ;Variable: double2ulong ;Type: ulong ;Total Size: 16 bytes ; 4 values ;Number of Dimensions: 2 ;Dimensions and sizes: [2] x [2] ;Coordinates: ;Number Of Attributes: 1 ; _FillValue : 2147483649 ;(0,0) 1238278400 ;(0,1) 1238278400 ;(1,0) 1238278400 ;(1,1) 1238278400