Coerces values of type unsigned short to values of type integer.
function ushortoint ( short_val : short ) return_val [dimsizes(short_val)] : integer
short_valA short variable of any dimension. This argument is treated as an "unsigned short". That is, it is in the range 0 to 65535 on most machines. The type "ushort" is not officially supported in NCL, so be careful to check your results when you use this function.
Return value
Returns integers obtained by treating the input as an unsigned short value.
This function converts short values to integer values by treating the input short as an "unsigned short," i.e. a short in the range 0 to 65535 on most machines. This function performs coercion that is definitely not automatically available through the NCL grammar. See the section on coercion of types for details on NCL's automatic type conversions.
See Also
Example 1
Converts an array of unsigned shorts to integers.
begin ; ; Create an array of unsigned shorts to convert. ; a = (/5H, 3H, 100H, 490H/) ; ; Convert the unsigned shorts to integers. ; b = ushorttoint(a) print(b) end