Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type double.
Available in version 5.2.0 and later.
function todouble ( input_val : snumeric data type or string ) return_val [dimsizes(input_val)] : double
input_valA variable of any snumeric data type or string of any dimension.
Return value
Returns doubles. If the input variable is signed/unsigned 64-bit integer, there may be some precision lost. The dimensionality of the output matches that of the input.
Any input value that is out of range for a double will be returned as a missing value.
This function converts any snumeric data or string to double values. If the input is signed/unsigned 64-bit integer, there may be some precision lost.
Any input value that is out of range for a double will be returned as a missing value.
Attributes, with the exception of _FillValue, are not propagated by the conversion functions.
See Also
tochar, tobyte, toshort, toushort, toint, touint, tolong, toulong, toint64, touint64, tostring, totype
a = 9857983.4843645d b = 318347.2843756d c = a - b d = a + b e = a * b f = e / c g = (/a, b, c, d/) print(a) print(b) print(c) print(d) print(e) print(f) print(g) h = abs(-a) print(h) i = min(g) print(i) j = max(g) print(j) short_array = new((/2,2/), short) short_array = 215h print(short_array) short2double = todouble(short_array) print(short2double) ushort_array = new((/2,2/), ushort) ushort_array = 8924H print(ushort_array) ushort2double = todouble(ushort_array) print(ushort2double) int_array = new((/2,2/), integer) int_array = 2147483640 print(int_array) int2double = todouble(int_array) print(int2double) uint_array = new((/2,2/), uint) uint_array = 2147483649I print(uint_array) uint2double = todouble(uint_array) print(uint2double) long_array = new((/2,2/), long) long_array = 2147483641l print(long_array) long2double = todouble(long_array) print(long2double) ulong_array = new((/2,2/), ulong) ulong_array = 2147483649L print(ulong_array) ulong2double = todouble(ulong_array) print(ulong2double) int64_array = new((/2,2/), int64) int64_array = 9223372028264841214q print(int64_array) int642double = todouble(int64_array) print(int642double) uint64_array = new((/2,2/), uint64) uint64_array = 9223372028264841219Q print(uint64_array) uint642double = todouble(uint64_array) print(uint642double) str_array = new((/2,2/), string, "997452379") str_array = "123.456" print(str_array) str2double = todouble(str_array) print(str2double) float_array = new((/2,2/), float) float_array = 1.2384 print(float_array) float2double = todouble(float_array) print(float2double) double_array = new((/2,2/), double) double_array = 12.94 print(double_array) double2double = todouble(double_array) print(double2double) double_array = 1238278456.02394 print(double_array) double2double = todouble(double_array) print(double2double)