Coerces values of type character to values of type string (deprecated; use tostring).
function chartostring ( char_val : character ) return_val : string [see below for details]
char_valA character variable of any dimensionality.
Return value
For a single character, or a singly-dimensioned array of characters, the returned value is a single string. A NULL byte terminator is appended to the resultant string. For character array arguments having n dimensions where n is greater than one, the return value is an array of strings of dimension n-1. The dimension size of the array of strings for dimension m less than n is the same as the dimension size for dimension m of the input array of characters. If this sounds complicated, running the example below should help you understand this.
For a singly-dimensioned array of characters this function converts the characters in that array to a single string.
For a multiply-dimensioned array of characters, this function produces an array of strings using the sequence of characters in the final dimension of the input array to create the strings. The example below should clarify how this works.
Note: this function and other xxxtostring functions have been superceded by tostring.
In any conversion using chartostring a NULL byte is appended to the resultant string or strings. This means that the functions chartostring and stringtochar are not strictly inverse functions.
The sizeof function does not return the length of a string. To get the length of a string you can do the following:
len_of_str = sizeof(stringtocharacter(str)) - 1Decrementing by one in the above is necessary to account for the NULL terminating byte in the string.
This function performs coercion that is not automatically available through the NCL grammar. See the section on coercion of types for details on NCL's automatic type conversions.
This function is an alias for the function charactertostring. It is identical to that function and is included just for people who don't like to type (or like the shorter names).
How non-default missing values are handled in this particular conversion function is non-intuitive and perhaps not helpful. See Example 2.
See Also
totype, tostring, tostring_with_format, toshort, tolong, todouble
Example 1
Convert various character arrays to strings.
begin ; ; Convert an individual character (an ASCII 'a') to a string. ; ci = integertocharacter(97) si = chartostring(ci) print(si) ; ; Print the length of the string si just created. In this ; case it will be just one byte, accounting for the single ; input character. You can obtain the length of this string ; by converting it back to its individual characters and ; using dimsizes. You will need to ; subtract one from the result to account for the NULL byte ; that has been appended to the string. The dimsizes ; function is used since the NCL sizeof function will ; not return a string length. It is necessary to convert the string ; back to its individual characters since an NCL string is a single object. ; Notice from this that stringtochar ; and chartostring are not strictly inverse functions. ; szsi = dimsizes(stringtocharacter(si)) - 1 print(szsi) ; ; Define an array of characters. ; cc = new((/3,5/),character) cc(0,0) = integertocharacter(65) ; 'A' cc(0,1) = integertocharacter(66) ; 'B' cc(0,2) = integertocharacter(67) ; 'C' cc(0,3) = integertocharacter(68) ; 'D' cc(0,4) = integertocharacter(69) ; 'E' cc(1,0) = integertocharacter(70) ; 'F' cc(1,1) = integertocharacter(71) ; 'G' cc(1,2) = integertocharacter(72) ; 'H' cc(1,3) = integertocharacter(73) ; 'I' cc(1,4) = integertocharacter(74) ; 'J' cc(2,0) = integertocharacter(75) ; 'K' cc(2,1) = integertocharacter(76) ; 'L' cc(2,2) = integertocharacter(77) ; 'M' cc(2,3) = integertocharacter(78) ; 'N' cc(2,4) = integertocharacter(79) ; 'O' ; ; Print the array of characters. ; print(cc) ; ; Convert to strings. The returned array will have ; three strings with each string being of length ; five (actually six if you count the terminating NULL ; byte). ; ss = chartostring(cc) ; ; Print out the string array. ; print(ss) ; ; A larger array. ; cl = new((/2,3,5/),character) cl(0,0,0) = integertocharacter( 65) ; 'A' cl(0,0,1) = integertocharacter( 66) ; 'B' cl(0,0,2) = integertocharacter( 67) ; 'C' cl(0,0,3) = integertocharacter( 68) ; 'D' cl(0,0,4) = integertocharacter( 69) ; 'E' cl(0,1,0) = integertocharacter( 70) ; 'F' cl(0,1,1) = integertocharacter( 71) ; 'G' cl(0,1,2) = integertocharacter( 72) ; 'H' cl(0,1,3) = integertocharacter( 73) ; 'I' cl(0,1,4) = integertocharacter( 74) ; 'J' cl(0,2,0) = integertocharacter( 75) ; 'K' cl(0,2,1) = integertocharacter( 76) ; 'L' cl(0,2,2) = integertocharacter( 77) ; 'M' cl(0,2,3) = integertocharacter( 78) ; 'N' cl(0,2,4) = integertocharacter( 79) ; 'O' cl(1,0,0) = integertocharacter( 97) ; 'a' cl(1,0,1) = integertocharacter( 98) ; 'b' cl(1,0,2) = integertocharacter( 99) ; 'c' cl(1,0,3) = integertocharacter(100) ; 'd' cl(1,0,4) = integertocharacter(101) ; 'e' cl(1,1,0) = integertocharacter(102) ; 'f' cl(1,1,1) = integertocharacter(103) ; 'g' cl(1,1,2) = integertocharacter(104) ; 'h' cl(1,1,3) = integertocharacter(105) ; 'i' cl(1,1,4) = integertocharacter(106) ; 'j' cl(1,2,0) = integertocharacter(107) ; 'k' cl(1,2,1) = integertocharacter(108) ; 'l' cl(1,2,2) = integertocharacter(109) ; 'm' cl(1,2,3) = integertocharacter(110) ; 'n' cl(1,2,4) = integertocharacter(111) ; 'o' ; ; Print the array of characters. ; print(cl) ; ; Convert to strings. The returned array will have ; six (2 x 3) strings with each string being of length ; five (six if you include the terminating NULL byte that ; is appended to each string). ; sl = chartostring(cl) ; ; Print out the string array. ; print(sl) endExample 2
Shows how some missing values are handled.
begin a = new(3,character) a = (/integertocharacter(66),integertocharacter(67),integertocharacter(65)/) a@_FillValue = integertocharacter(65) b = chartostring(a) print (b) delete(a) delete(b) ; b = new(2,string,"A") b = (/"BCA","AA"/) print (b) delete(b) ; a = new(3,character) a = (/integertocharacter(66),integertocharacter(67),integertocharacter(65)/) a@_FillValue = integertocharacter(65) b = new(1,string) b = chartostring(a) print (b) end