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Opens a WPS intermediate file and returns a status.

Available in version 6.3.0 and later.


	function wrf_wps_open_int (
		filename [1] : string   

	return_val [1] :  integer



The name of the WPS intermediate file to open.


This function opens a WPS intermediate file and returns a status of 0 if successful, and 1 otherwise. It is meant to be used as part of a 3-step process for reading data off a WPS intermediate file:

  1. wrf_wps_open_int - open a WPS file
  2. wrf_wps_rdhead_int - read header info for current field
  3. wrf_wps_rddata_int - read data for current field

Steps #2 and #3 are meant to be called continuously in an NCL "do while" loop. See the example below, or wrf_wps_rdhead_int and wrf_wps_rddata_int for more details.

Note: it is not necessary to close the WPS file after you're done reading it, unless you need to reopen the file in the same script. You can use wrf_wps_close_int to force close the WPS file.

To read a WPS file with a single function call, see wrf_wps_read_int. The examples below illustrate both methods for reading a WPS file.

See Also

wrf_wps_open_int, wrf_wps_rdhead_int, wrf_wps_rddata_int, wrf_wps_read_int, wrf_wps_write_int, wrf_wps_close_int


Example 1

This example shows how to use the three-step process of reading a WPS intermediate file using 1) wrf_wps_open_int, 2) wrf_wps_rdhead_int, and 3) wrf_wps_rddata_int.

See example 2 below for a script that uses wrf_wps_read_int to read the file in one step.

  wps_filename = "NNRP:2006-04-10_00"

;---Preallocate variables for header
  header      = new(14,float)
  field       = new(1,string)
  date        = new(1,string)
  units       = new(1,string)
  map_source  = new(1,string)
  description = new(1,string)
  istatus =  wrf_wps_open_int(wps_filename)
  if( then
    print("Error opening " + wps_filename)
  end if

;---Continuously read data from WPS file until istatus != 0.
  nfields = 0

  do while (istatus.eq.0)

;---Read header
    if( then
    end if

    nx = toint(header(3))
    ny = toint(header(4))

;---Read data
    slab := wrf_wps_rddata_int(istatus,nx,ny)
    if( then
    end if

;---Print information about each slab
    print("Field #" + (nfields+1))
    print("  name          : '" + field + "'")
    print("  description   : '" + description + "'")
    print("  units         : '" + units + "'")
    print("  min/max value : "  + min(slab) + " / " + max(slab))
    print("  date          : '" + date + "'")
    print("  map source    : '" + map_source + "'")
    print("  version       : " + header(0))
    print("  forecast hour : " + header(1))
    print("  level         : " + header(2))
    print("  ny x nx       : " + header(4) + " x " + header(3))
    print("  projection    : " + header(5))
    if(header(5).eq.0) then
      print("  startlat      : " + header(6))
      print("  startlon      : " + header(7))
      print("  deltalat      : " + header(8))
      print("  deltalon      : " + header(9))
      print("  earth_radius  : " + header(10))
    else if(header(5).eq.1) then
      print("  startlat      : " + header(6))
      print("  startlon      : " + header(7))
      print("  dy x dx       : " + header(9) + " x " + header(8))
      print("  truelat1      : " + header(10))
      print("  earth_radius  : " + header(11))
    else if(header(5).eq.3) then
      print("  startlat      : " + header(6))
      print("  startlon      : " + header(7))
      print("  dy x dx       : " + header(9) + " x " + header(8))
      print("  center lon    : " + header(10))
      print("  truelat1      : " + header(11))
      print("  truelat2      : " + header(12))
      print("  earth_radius  : " + header(13))
    else if(header(5).eq.4) then
      print("  startlat      : " + header(6))
      print("  startlon      : " + header(7))
      print("  nlats         : " + header(8))
      print("  deltalon      : " + header(9))
      print("  earth_radius  : " + header(10))
    else if(header(5).eq.5) then
      print("  startlat      : " + header(6))
      print("  startlon      : " + header(7))
      print("  dy x dx       : " + header(9) + " x " + header(8))
      print("  center lon    : " + header(10))
      print("  truelat1      : " + header(11))
      print("  earth_radius  : " + header(12))
    end if
    end if
    end if
    end if
    end if
    nfields = nfields + 1
  end do

  print("There were " + nfields + " fields in the " + wps_filename + " WPS file.")

Output: (run with "-n" option to remove annoying "(0)")

Field #1
  name          : 'PMSL'
  description   : 'Sea-level Pressure'
  units         : 'Pa'
  min/max value : 95120 / 107780
  date          : '2006-04-10_00:00:00'
  map source    : 'unknown model from NCEP GRID   2'
  version       : 5
  forecast hour : 0
  level         : 201300
  ny x nx       : 73 x 144
  projection    : 0
  startlat      : 90
  startlon      : 0
  deltalat      : -2.5
  deltalon      : 2.5
  earth_radius  : 6371.23
Field #100
  name          : 'HGT'
  description   : 'Height'
  units         : 'm'
  min/max value : 29479 / 31173
  date          : '2006-04-10_00:00:00'
  map source    : 'unknown model from NCEP GRID   2'
  version       : 5
  forecast hour : 0
  level         : 1000
  ny x nx       : 73 x 144
  projection    : 0
  startlat      : 90
  startlon      : 0
  deltalat      : -2.5
  deltalon      : 2.5
  earth_radius  : 6371.23
There were 100 fields in the NNRP:2006-04-10_00 WPS file.

Example 2

This example shows how to use wrf_wps_read_int to read a WPS intermediate file in one step.

  wps_filename = "NNRP:2006-04-10_00"

  slabs = wrf_wps_read_int(wps_filename)

  slabs_dims = dimsizes(slabs)
  header     = slabs@rhead          ; Read into memory so we can subscript it
  nfields    = slabs_dims(0)

  print("There are " + nfields + " fields in the " + wps_filename + " WPS file.")

  do nf=0,nfields-1
;---Print information about each slab
    print("Field #" + (nf+1))
    print("  name          : '" + slabs@field(nf) + "'")
    print("  description   : '" + slabs@description(nf) + "'")
    print("  units         : '" + slabs@units(nf) + "'")
    print("  min/max value : "  + min(slabs(nf,:,:)) + " / " + max(slabs(nf,:,:)))
    print("  date          : '" + slabs@hdate(nf) + "'")
    print("  map source    : '" + slabs@map_source(nf) + "'")
    print("  version       : " + header(nf,0))
    print("  forecast hour : " + header(nf,1))
    print("  level         : " + header(nf,2))
    print("  ny x nx       : " + header(nf,4) + " x " + header(nf,3))
    print("  projection    : " + header(nf,5))
    if(header(nf,5).eq.0) then
      print("startlat        : " + header(nf,6))
      print("  startlon      : " + header(nf,7))
      print("  deltalat      : " + header(nf,8))
      print("  deltalon      : " + header(nf,9))
      print("  earth_radius  : " + header(nf,10))
    else if(header(nf,5).eq.1) then
      print("  startlat      : " + header(nf,6))
      print("  startlon      : " + header(nf,7))
      print("  dy x dx       : " + header(nf,9) + " x " + header(nf,8))
      print("  truelat1      : " + header(nf,10))
      print("  earth_radius  : " + header(nf,11))
    else if(header(nf,5).eq.3) then
      print("  startlat      : " + header(nf,6))
      print("  startlon      : " + header(nf,7))
      print("  dy x dx       : " + header(nf,9) + " x " + header(nf,8))
      print("  center lon    : " + header(nf,10))
      print("  truelat1      : " + header(nf,11))
      print("  truelat2      : " + header(nf,12))
      print("  earth_radius  : " + header(nf,13))
    else if(header(nf,5).eq.4) then
      print("  startlat      : " + header(nf,6))
      print("  startlon      : " + header(nf,7))
      print("  nlats         : " + header(nf,8))
      print("  deltalon      : " + header(nf,9))
      print("  earth_radius  : " + header(nf,10))
    else if(header(nf,5).eq.5) then
      print("  startlat      : " + header(nf,6))
      print("  startlon      : " + header(nf,7))
      print("  dy x dx       : " + header(nf,9) + " x " + header(nf,8))
      print("  center lon    : " + header(nf,10))
      print("  truelat1      : " + header(nf,11))
      print("  earth_radius  : " + header(nf,12))
    end if
    end if
    end if
    end if
    end if
  end do

Output: (run with "-n" option to remove annoying "(0)")

There are 100 fields in the NNRP:2006-04-10_00 WPS file.

Field #1
  name          : 'PMSL'
  description   : 'Sea-level Pressure'
  units         : 'Pa'
  min/max value : 0 / 107780
  date          : '2006-04-10_00:00:00'
  map source    : 'unknown model from NCEP GRID   2'
  version       : 5
  forecast hour : 0
  level         : 201300
  ny x nx       : 73 x 144
  projection    : 0
  startlat      : 90
  startlon      : 0
  deltalat      : -2.5
  deltalon      : 2.5
  earth_radius  : 6371.23
Field #100
  name          : 'HGT'
  description   : 'Height'
  units         : 'm'
  min/max value : 0 / 31173
  date          : '2006-04-10_00:00:00'
  map source    : 'unknown model from NCEP GRID   2'
  version       : 5
  forecast hour : 0
  level         : 1000
  ny x nx       : 73 x 144
  projection    : 0
  startlat      : 90
  startlon      : 0
  deltalat      : -2.5
  deltalon      : 2.5
  earth_radius  : 6371.23