File I/O
addfile | Opens a data file that is (or is to be) written in a supported file format. |
addfiles | Creates a reference that spans multiple data files. |
addfiles_GetVar | Creates a reference that spans multiple data files and returns metadata. (deprecated: see addfiles) |
asciiread | Reads a file that contains ASCII representations of basic data types. |
asciiwrite | Creates an ascii text file of numeric or string data type. |
cbinread | Reads binary files created using the C block I/O function write. |
cbinwrite | Creates a binary file in raw C block I/O format for a numeric data type. |
craybinnumrec | Returns the number of unformatted sequential access Fortran records in a Cray COS blocked binary file. |
craybinrecread | Reads COS blocked unformatted sequential access Fortran binary files. |
fbindirread | Reads binary records written by a Fortran direct access write or C write. |
fbindirSwap | Reads byte-reversed data and writes output file that can be read by fbindirread or cbinread (deprecated). |
fbindirwrite | Writes binary records to a file in manner analogous to fortran's "access=direct". |
fbinnumrec | Returns the number of unformatted sequential Fortran records in a binary file. |
fbinread | Reads one binary record that has been written using an UNFORMATTED FORTRAN write. |
fbinrecread | Reads unformatted sequential access Fortran binary files. |
fbinrecwrite | Writes a single unformatted sequential access Fortran record to a file. |
fbinseqSwap1 | Byte swaps Fortran sequential files (deprecated). |
fbinseqSwap2 | Byte swaps Fortran sequential files (more memory friendly) (deprecated). |
fbinwrite | Writes a single binary record to a file in manner analogous to Fortran's "form=unformatted, access=sequential". |
fileattdef | Defines global (file) attributes associated with a supported file. |
filechunkdimdef | Defines chunking dimension names, dimension sizes, unlimited dimensions on a supported file. |
filedimdef | Defines dimension names, dimension sizes, unlimited dimensions on a supported file. |
fileexists | Checks for existence of any UNIX file. |
filegrpdef | Defines a list of group (names), for a supported file, or group. |
filevarattdef | Copies attributes from an input variable to one or more variables on a supported file. |
filevarchunkdef | Defines a list of variable names, variable var_types, and variable dimension names for a supported file. |
filevarcompressleveldef | Defines a list of variable names, variable var_types, and variable dimension names for a supported file. |
filevardef | Defines a list of variable names, variable types, and variable dimension names for a supported file. |
filevardimsizes | Returns the dimension sizes of a variable on the given file (deprecated; use getfilevardimsizes). |
getfileatts | Returns a list of attribute names on the given file. |
getfiledimnames | Returns a list of dimension names for the given file. |
getfiledims | Returns a list of dimension names for the given file. |
getfiledimsizes | Returns an array of dimension sizes on the given file. |
getfilegrpnames | Returns an array of file group names on the given file. |
getfilepath | Returns a string of the opened file's path. |
getfilevaratts | Returns all attribute names associated with a variable on the given file. |
getfilevarchunkdimsizes | Returns the chunk dimension sizes of variable on a given file which has chunk dimensions. |
getfilevardimnames | Returns all dimension names associated with a variable on the given file. |
getfilevardims | Returns all dimension names associated with a variable on the given file. |
getfilevardimsizes | Returns the dimension sizes of a variable on a given file. |
getfilevarnames | Returns an array of file variable names on the given file. |
getfilevartypes | Returns the types of the named variables stored in the given file. |
isfile | Returns True if input is of type file. |
isfilepresent | Checks if a supported file exists. |
isfilevar | Checks if specified file variables are defined in a file. |
isfilevaratt | Checks if specified file variable attributes are defined for a file variable. |
isfilevarcoord | Checks if a coordinate variable is defined in a file. |
isfilevardim | Checks if file variable dimensions are defined for a file variable. |
keyword_values | Read a text file that contains keywords and one-or-more values (similar to fortran NAMELIST). |
list_files | Lists all of the variables that reference files. |
list_filevars | Lists all of the variables associated with a specific file. |
numAsciiCol | Returns the number of columns in an ASCII file. |
numAsciiRow | Returns the number of rows in an ASCII file. |
readAsciiHead | Reads an ASCII file and returns just the header. |
readAsciiTable | Reads an ASCII file given the number of lines at the beginning and end of the file to ignore. |
setfileoption | Sets a number of file-format-specific options. |
v5d_close | Closes a Vis5D+ format file. |
v5d_create | Creates a Vis5D+ format file. |
v5d_setLowLev | Sets the lowest vertical offset, in grid level, for each 3-dimensional gridded variable in a Vis5D+ format file. |
v5d_setUnits | Sets a name for physical units for a variable in a Vis5D+ format file. |
v5d_write | Writes compressed data to a Vis5D+ format file. |
v5d_write_var | Writes a single 3-dimensional gridded variable to a Vis5D+ format file. |
wrf_user_getvar | Extracts data from ARW WRF model output, and does basic diagnostics calculations. |
wrf_user_list_times | Extracts the list of available times in the ARW WRF model output. |
wrf_wps_close_int | Closes a currently open WPS intermediate file. |
wrf_wps_open_int | Opens a WPS intermediate file and returns a status. |
wrf_wps_rddata_int | Reads a 2D field from an open WPS intermediate file. |
wrf_wps_rdhead_int | Reads header information for the current field of an open WPS intermediate file. |
wrf_wps_read_int | Reads data from a WPS intermediate file. |
wrf_wps_write_int | Writes data to a WPS intermediate file. |
write_matrix | Writes nicely-formatted integer, float, or double precision two-dimensional (2D) arrays to standard out or to a file. |
write_table | Writes formatted elements from a list to an ASCII file. |