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Performs simple linear regression including confidence estimates, an ANOVA table and 95% mean response estimates.

Available in version 6.2.0 and later.


load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"  ; This library is automatically loaded
                                                             ; from NCL V6.2.0 onward.
                                                             ; No need for user to explicitly load.

	function regline_stats (
		x [*] : numeric,  
		y [*] : numeric   

	return_val [1] :  float or double with many attributes



A one dimensional array of size N containing the independent variable. Missing values, indicated by _FillValue, are allowed but are ignored.


A one-dimensional array of length N containing the corresponding dependent variable. Missing values, indicated by _FillValue, are allowed but are ignored.

Return value

A scalar containing the calculated linear regression coefficient. In addition, many statistical quantities are returned as attributes of b. The 95% limits were introduced in version 6.4.0

The return value will be of type double if x or y is double, and float otherwise.


regline_stats performs a simple linear regression. The calculated regression coefficient represents the rate of change in the dependent variable for a unit change in the independent variable. This coefficient is sometimes referred to as the slope or trend.

The user may wish to take into account the uncertainty associated with each estimated parameter and the overall uncertainty. This information is returned as the attributes stderr, tval and pval. In addition, an ANalysis Of VAriance [ANOVA] table is returned.

Any missing values are ignored.
Missing values should be indicated by the _FillValue attribute.

Chad Hermann created a function linreg which derived many of the same statistics. It is written entirely in NCL and is here.

Debasish Mazumder (NCAR/RAL) submitted code for the 95% mean response about the regression line. This was included within the regline_stats in the 6.4.0 release of NCL. A reference for this is Chapter 11 of

        Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers
        D. C. Montgomery and G. C. Runge
        ISBN: 0471204544

From the WWW:

  • the confidence intervals tells you about the likely location of the true population parameter
  • the prediction intervals must account for both the uncertainty in knowing the value of the population mean, plus data scatter. So a prediction interval is always wider than a confidence interval.

GRAPHICS NOTE: For the computations, the x and y pairs can be in any order. However, subsequent use for plotting lines often requires that the x and the associated y be in monotonically {in/de}creasing order. See Example 2 below.

See Also

regline, reg_multlin, reg_multlin_stats


See examples regress_1a.ncl and regress_1b.ncl for plot and usage of returned information. Example 1

The following example was taken from:

    Statistical Theory and Methodology
    J Wiley 1965   pgs: 342-346     QA276  .B77

See example regress_1a.ncl for plot and usage of returned information.

      x    = (/ 1190.,1455.,1550.,1730.,1745.,1770. \
             ,  1900.,1920.,1960.,2295.,2335.,2490. \
             ,  2720.,2710.,2530.,2900.,2760.,3010. /)
      y    = (/ 1115.,1425.,1515.,1795.,1715.,1710. \
             ,  1830.,1920.,1970.,2300.,2280.,2520. \
             ,  2630.,2740.,2390.,2800.,2630.,2970. /)

   rc =  regline_stats(x,y) ; linear regression coef

The print(rc) yielded the following (edited) output. All the comments were manually added.

        Variable: rc
        Type: float
        Total Size: 4 bytes
                    1 values
        Number of Dimensions: 1
        Dimensions and sizes:	[1]
        Number Of Attributes: 38
          _FillValue :	9.96921e+36

          long_name :	simple linear regression
          model :	Yest = b(0) + b(1)*X

          N :	18                              ; # of observations
          NP :	1                               ; # of predictor variables
          M :	2                               ; # of returned coefficients
          bstd :	(  0, 0.9947125 )       ; standardized regression coefficient
                                                ; [ignore 1st element]

                                                ; ANOVA information: SS=>Sum of Squares
          SST :	4823324                         ; Total SS:      sum((Y-Yavg)^2) 
          SSE :	50871.91                        ; Residual SS:   sum((Yest-Y)^2)
          SSR :	4772452                         ; sum((Yest-Yavg)^2)

          MST :	283724.9
          MSE :	3179.494
          MSE_dof :	16
          MSR :	4772452

          RSE :	56.387                          ; residual standard error; sqrt(MSE)
          RSE_dof :	15

          F :	1501.01                         ; MSR/MSE
          F_dof :	( 1, 16 )
          F_pval :	1.51066e-17

          r2 :	0.989453                        ; square of the Pearson correlation coefficient 
          r :	0.9947125                       ; multiple (overall) correlation: sqrt(r2)
          r2a :	0.9887938                       ; adjusted r2... better for small N

          fuv :	0.01054698                      ; (1-r2): fraction of variance of the regressand
                                                ; (dependent variable) Y which cannot be explained
                                                ;  i.e., which is not correctly predicted, by the 
                                                ; explanatory variables X.

          Yest :	[ARRAY of 18 elements]  ; Yest = b(0) + b(1)*x 
          Yavg :	2125.278                ; avg(y)
          Ystd :	532.6583                ; stddev(y)
          Xavg :	2165                    ; avg(x)
          Xstd :	543.6721                ; stddev(x)

          stderr :	( 56.05802, 0.02515461 )     ; std. error of each b
          tval :	( 0.2738642, 38.74285 )      ; t-value
          pval :	( 0.7874895, 5.017699e-18 )  ; p-value

                                                ; following added in version 6.4.0
          b95  :        ( 0.9212361, 1.027887 ) ;  2.5% and 97.5% regression coef. confidence intervals
          y95  :        ( -459.9983, 490.703 )  ;  2.5% and 97.5% y-intercept confidence intervals
          YMR025 :      [ARRAY of 18 elements]  ;  2.5% mean response
          YMR975 :      [ARRAY of 18 elements]  ; 97.5% mean response
          YPI025 :	[ARRAY of 18 elements]  ;  2.5% predition interval
          YPI975 :	[ARRAY of 18 elements]  ; 97.5% predition interval

                                                ; Original regline attributes 
                                                ; provided for backward cmpatibility
          nptxy :	18
          xave :	2165
          yave :	2125.278
          rstd :	56.387
          yintercept :	15.35228

          b :	( 15.35228, 0.9745615 )         ; b(0) + b(1)*x

        (0)	0.9745615                       ; regression coefficient 

Example 2

The following example was taken from: It is a commonly used WWW example. AS noted above, regline_stats does not require any special ordering. However for subs Here the independent values (x) and associated dependent variables (y) are placed into ascending order for subsequent plotting.

See example regress_1b.ncl for plot and usage of returned information.

;                      Hydrocarbon level (%)    
    x  = (/ 0.99, 1.02, 1.15, 1.29, 1.46, 1.36, 0.87, 1.23, 1.55, 1.40  \
          , 1.19, 1.15, 0.98, 1.01, 1.11, 1.20, 1.26, 1.32, 1.43, 0.95 /)
;                             Purity     (%)    
    y  = (/ 90.01, 89.05, 91.43, 93.74, 96.73, 94.45, 87.59, 91.77, 99.42, 93.65  \
          , 93.54, 92.52, 90.56, 89.54, 89.85, 90.39, 93.25, 93.41, 94.98, 87.33  /)  

; perform regression on the variables

    rc =  regline_stats(xx,yy) ; linear regression coef

; For graphical purposes, it is recommended that the independent variable be 
; monotonically {in/de}creasing

    ii =  dim_pqsort_n(x,1,0)
    xx = x(ii)
    yy = y(ii)


    plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,xx,yy, res)


        Variable: rc
        Type: float
        Total Size: 4 bytes
                    1 values
        Number of Dimensions: 1
        Dimensions and sizes:	[1]
        Number Of Attributes: 41
          _FillValue :	9.96921e+36
          long_name :	simple linear regression

          model :	Yest = b(0) + b(1)*X
          N :	20
          NP :	1
          M :	2
          bstd :	(  0, 0.9367155 )
          SST :	173.3769
          SSE :	21.24981
          SSR :	152.1272
          MST :	9.125101
          MSE :	1.180545
          MSE_dof :	18
          MSR :	152.1272
          RSE :	1.086529
          RSE_dof :	17
          F :	128.8618
          F_dof :	( 1, 18 )
          F_pval :	1.227305e-09
          r2 :	0.8774363
          r :	0.9367157
          r2a :	0.8706272
          fuv :	0.1225637
          Yest :	[ARRAY of 20 elements]
          Yavg :	92.1605
          Ystd :	3.020778
          Xavg :	1.196
          Xstd :	0.1893034
          stderr :	( 1.593479, 1.316763 )
          tval :	( 46.61706, 11.35169 )
          pval :	( 4.660713e-21, 6.580665e-10 )
          nptxy :	20
          xave :	1.196
          yave :	92.1605
          rstd :	1.086529
          yintercept :	74.28331
          b :	( 74.28331, 14.94748 )
          b95 :	( 12.18108, 17.71389 )
          y95 :	( 60.07995, 88.48667 )
          YMR025 :      [ARRAY of 20 elements]  ;  2.5% mean response
          YMR975 :      [ARRAY of 20 elements]  ; 97.5% mean response
          YPI025 :	[ARRAY of 20 elements]  ;  2.5% predition interval
          YPI975 :	[ARRAY of 20 elements]  ; 97.5% predition interval

        (0)	14.94748
Example 3

Use the 'Old Faithful' data set used by several R regression examples Here, we use NCL's regline and the ANOVA version regline_stats.

See regress_8.ncl for a plot of the data and the regression line.

Simplefied R code:

    eruption.lm = lm(eruptions ~ waiting, data=faithful)

Summary output:

    lm(formula = eruptions ~ waiting, data = faithful) 
        Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
    -1.2992 -0.3769  0.0351  0.3491  1.1933 
                Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 
    (Intercept) -1.87402    0.16014   -11.7   <2e-16 *** 
    waiting      0.07563    0.00222    34.1   <2e-16 *** 
    Signif. codes:  0 *** 0.001 ** 0.01 * 0.05 
    Residual standard error: 0.497 on 270 degrees of freedom 
    Multiple R-squared: 0.811,      Adjusted R-squared: 0.811 

The NCL code is:

   diri = "./"
   fili = "faithful_R.dat"
   pthi = diri + fili

   ncol = 3
   data = readAsciiTable(pthi, ncol, "float", 1)

   x    = data(:,2)   ; eruption interval (minutes); independent
   y    = data(:,1)   ; eruption duration (minutes); dependent
   nxy  = dimsizes(y)

   x@long_name = "Eruption Interval (min)"
   y@long_name = "Eruption Duration (min)"

  ;print("============ OLD Faithful================")
  ;print(sprintf("%4.0f", x)+"  "+sprintf("%4.0f", y))

;---Assorted statistics and regression line fit
  ;rxy = escorc(x,y)         ;  cross-correlation

   rcl  = regline(x, y)      ; basic linear regression

   df   = rcl@nptxy-2
   prob = (1 - betainc(df/(df+rcl@tval^2), df/2.0, 0.5) )

   rcl_anova =  regline_stats(x,y) ; linear regression: ANOVA
The (slightly) edited output is:

   Variable: rcl
   Type: float
   Total Size: 4 bytes
               1 values
   Number of Dimensions: 1
   Dimensions and sizes:	[1]
   Number Of Attributes: 7
     _FillValue :	9.96921e+36
     yintercept :	-1.874016
     yave :	3.487783
     xave :	70.89706
     nptxy :	272
     rstd :	0.002218541
     tval :	34.08904
   (0)	0.07562795
   (0)	=========================================
   Variable: rcl_anova
   Type: float
   Total Size: 4 bytes
               1 values
   Number of Dimensions: 1
   Dimensions and sizes:	[1]
   Number Of Attributes: 44
     _FillValue :	9.96921e+36
     long_name :	simple linear regression
     model :	Yest = b(0) + b(1)*X

     N :	272
     NP :	1
     M :	2
     bstd :	(  0, 0.9008112 )
     SST :	353.0395
     SSE :	66.56177
     SSR :	286.4776
     MST :	1.302729
     MSE :	0.2465251
     MSE_dof :	270
     MSR :	286.4776
     RSE :	0.4965129
     RSE_dof :	269
     F :	1162.063
     F_dof :	( 1, 270 )
     F_pval :	 0
     r2 :	0.8114605
     r :	0.900811
     r2a :	0.8107622
     fuv :	0.1885395
     Yest :	
     Yavg :	3.487783
     Ystd :	1.141371
     Xavg :	70.89706
     Xstd :	13.59497
     stderr :	( 0.1601433, 0.002218541 )
     tval :	( -11.70212, 34.08904 )
     pval :	( 7.089058e-26,  0 )
     nptxy :	272
     xave :	70.89706
     yave :	3.487783
     rstd :	0.4965129
     yintercept :	-1.874016
     b :	( -1.874016, 0.07562795 )
     tnull :	34.08905
     b95 :	( 0.07126011, 0.07999578 )
     y95 :	( -2.189304, -1.558728 )
     YMR025 :	
     YMR975 :	
     YPI025 :	
     YPI975 :	
   (0)	0.07562795