Calculates seasonal spectra via segment averaging as defined by the US-CLIVAR MJO diagnostics website.
Available in version 5.1.0 and later.
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" ; These three libraries are automatically load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" ; loaded from NCL V6.2.0 onward. load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" ; No need for user to explicitly load. load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/diagnostics_cam.ncl" ; Still need to load this library. function mjo_spectra_season ( x [*][*][*] : numeric, date [*] : integer, wy [*] : numeric, seasonName [1] : string, opt [1] : logical ) return_val : array [4][dimsizes(time)/2]
xA three-dimensional variable array. Nominally: (time,lat,lon).
dateAn integer array containing the date as "YYYYMMDD".
wyA one-dimensional array containing the latitudinal weights associated with x.
optIf opt=False, the function will operate under default mode regardless of any attributes associated with the variable.
If opt=True, then the following attributes, associated with opt, may be used to alter the default behavior.
- opt@detrend=True: Entire series will be detrended.
Default: opt@detrend=False.
- opt@detrend_seg: If this attribute is present, each segment will be detrended. Default: False
- opt@taper_seg: If present, each segment will be tapered. prior to computing the spectra. Typically, opt@taper_seg=0.1 [10% of segment length]. Default: no tapering performed.
- opt@smooth_seg: If present, each segment will be smoothed using a running average of length opt@smooth_seg. Default: No smoothing performed.
- opt@detrend_seg: If this attribute is present, each segment will be detrended. Default: False
Return value
The return variable will be a scalar containing the degrees of freedom. Associated with the return variable are the following attributes:
- bw - band-width
- spcx - 1D array containing the segment averaged spectra.
- frq - 1D array containing the frequencies.
- vari - average of each segment's input variance
- xlag1 - average lag one day autocorrelation
- spcx - 1D array containing the segment averaged spectra.
This function can be called as a stand-alone function but, generally, is meant to be invoked by the mjo_spectra procedure.
MJO CLIVAR specifies to use no detrending, tapering or smoothing. The seasons are specified as follows:
winter (segment) starts Nov 1 [180 days] summer (segment) starts May 1 [180 days] annual (segment) starts Jan 1 [365 days]
See Also
filwgts_lanczos, wgt_areaave,
See Example 7 of the Madden-Julian Oscillation web page.