Calculates the area average of a quantity using weights.
function wgt_areaave ( q : numeric, wgty [*] : numeric, wgtx [*] : numeric, opt : integer ) return_val : float or double
qAn array of 2 or more dimensions containing the data to be averaged. The rightmost dimensions should correspond to "latitude" (lat) and "longitude" (lon) when dealing with quantities on a sphere ([...,],lat,lon), and "y" and "x" otherwise ([...,],y,x).
wgtyA scalar (typically 1.0) or singly-dimensioned array of size "lat" (y) containing the weights.
wgtxA scalar (typically 1.0) or singly-dimensioned array of size "lon" (x) containing the weights.
optIf opt = 0, the area average is calculated using available non-missing data. If opt = 1, then if any point in q is missing, the area average is not computed. In this case, it will be set to the missing value, which is indicated by q@_FillValue, or the default missing value if q@_FillValue is not set.
Return value
Returns a scalar if q is a two dimensional array. Otherwise, the output dimensionality is the same as the leftmost n - 2 dimensions of the input.
The return type is float if the input is float, and double if the input is of type double.
This function computes a weighted area average. It ignores missing values (q@_FillValue).
If q has no missing values, wgt_areaave is equivalent to:
q_ave = SUM[q*wgty*wgtx]/SUM[wgty*wgtx]
Use the wgt_areaave_Wrap function if metadata retention is desired. The interface is identical.
See Also
wgt_areaave_Wrap, wgt_areaave2, wgt_arearmse, wgt_arearmse2, wgt_areasum2, wgt_runave, wgt_volave, wgt_volave_ccm, wgt_volrmse, wgt_volrmse_ccm
Example 1
Let u(lat, lon) be a global array with dimension sizes nlat = 64, mlon = 128; lat and lon contain longitudes and gaussian latitudes; and gwgt contains the gaussian weights. Compute the area average using several weighting approaches: (a) explicitly use the area of each grid cell; (b) uses only gaussian weights; (c) use the cosine of the latitudes.
lat = f->lat lon = f->lon gwgt = f->gwgt jlat = dimsizes( lat ) rad = 4.0*atan(1.0)/180.0 re = 6371220.0 rr = re*rad dlon = abs(lon(2)-lon(1))*rr dx = dlon*cos(lat*rad) ; lat can have variable spacing dy = new ( jlat, typeof(dx)) ; close enough dy(0) = abs(lat(2)-lat(1))*rr dy(1:jlat-2) = abs(lat(2:jlat-1)-lat(0:jlat-3))*rr*0.5 dy(jlat-1) = abs(lat(jlat-1)-lat(jlat-2))*rr area = dx*dy ; cell area function of latitude only clat = cos(lat*rad) uAve_area = wgt_areaave(u, area, 1.0, 1) uAve_gwgt = wgt_areaave(u, gwgt, 1.0, 1) uAve_clat = wgt_areaave(u, clat, 1.0, 1) ; Use wgt_areaave_Wrap if metadata retention is desired ; uAve_area = wgt_areaave_Wrap(u, area, 1.0, 1) ; uAve_gwgt = wgt_areaave_Wrap(u, gwgt, 1.0, 1) ; uAve_clat = wgt_areaave_Wrap(u, clat, 1.0, 1) print("uAve_area="+uAve_area+" uAve_gwgt="+uAve_gwgt+" uAve_clat="+uAve_clat)The results are:
uAve_area=15.1826 uAve_gwgt=15.1828 uAve_clat=15.1818Example 2
Let q(time, lev, lat, lon) be a global array with dimension sizes ktime = 120, nlev = 28, nlat = 64, mlon = 128 and wgty(nlat) be a 1-dimensional array containing gaussian or cosine weights. Assume that no special weighting is applied in the longitude (x) direction. Then:
glAve = wgt_areaave(q, wgty, 1.0, 1) ; glAve(ktime, nlev) ; Use wgt_areaave_Wrap if metadata retention is desired ; glAve = wgt_areaave_Wrap(q, wgty, 1.0, 1) ; glAve(ktime, nlev)will calculate the area (global) average for each time and level. glAve will be a 2-dimensional array with dimensions (ktime, nlev) [(120, 28)]. If a missing value is encountered at any of the two rightmost dimensions, then the result will be set to q@_FillValue (opt = 1).
Example 3
nhAve = wgt_areaave(q(:, :, 33:nlat-1, :), wgty(33:nlat), 1.0, 0) ; Use wgt_areaave_Wrap if metadata retention is desired ; nhAve = wgt_areaave_Wrap(q(:, :, 33:nlat-1, :), wgty(33:nlat), 1.0, 0)will calculate the area (northern hemisphere) average for each time and level. Standard subscripting is used to subset the input global array. nhAve will be a 2-dimensional array with dimensions (ktime, nlev) [(120, 28)]. If a missing value is encountered at any of the two rightmost dimensions, it is ignored (equivalent to a weight of 0.0) and the average is calculated using available non-missing data (opt = 0).
Example 4
shAve = wgt_areaave(q(:, 5:7, {-90:0}, :), wgty({-90:0}), 1.0, 0) ; Use wgt_areaave_Wrap if metadata retention is desired ; shAve = wgt_areaave_Wrap(q(:, 5:7, {-90:0}, :), wgty({-90:0}), 1.0, 0)will calculate the area (southern hemisphere) average for each time and only at levels = 5, 6, 7. Coordinate subscripting and standard subscripting are used to subset the input global array. shAve will have dimensions (ktime, 3).
Example 5
Compute area root-mean-square difference between two quantities. Let q and r (time, lev, lat, lon) be global arrays with dimension sizes ktime = 120, nlev = 28, nlat = 64, mlon = 128, and wgty(nlat) be a 1-dimensional array containing gaussian or cosine weights. Assume that no special weighting is applied in the longitude (x) direction. Then:
rmse = sqrt(wgt_areaave((q - r)², wgty², 1.0, 1) ) ; rmse(ktime, nlev) ; Use wgt_areaave_Wrap if metadata retention is desired ; rmse = sqrt(wgt_areaave_Wrap((q - r)², wgty², 1.0, 1) ) ; rmse(ktime, nlev)will calculate the area (global) root-mean-square-difference for each time and level. rmse will be a 2-dimensional array with dimensions (ktime, nlev) [(120, 28)]. If a missing value is encountered at any of the two rightmost dimensions, then the result will be set to q@_FillValue (opt = 1).
Example 6
Step-by-step illustration based on a user question. This illustrates that NCL array syntax must be aware of _FillValue.
latt = (/-90,-45,0,45,90/) ; dummy latitudes rad = 4.*atan(1.)/180. ; cost = cos(latt*rad) ; cosine weights ny = 5 mx = 2 x = new((/ny,mx/),float) ; dummy fields x(:,0) = (/-99,1,1,1,-99/) ; with FillValue x(:,1) = (/-99,2,3,-99,-99/) x@_FillValue = -99 ; function xave_a = wgt_areaave(x,cost,1.0,0) ; Use wgt_areaave_Wrap if metadata retention is desired ; xave_a = wgt_areaave_Wrap(x,cost,1.0,0) kmsg_a = num(ismissing(x)) print("xave_a="+xave_a+" kmsg_a="+kmsg_a) ; loop sumx = 0.0 sumw = 0.0 kmsg_b= 0 do n=0,ny-1 do m=0,mx-1 if (.not.ismissing(x(n,m))) then sumx = sumx + x(n,m)*cost(n) sumw = sumw + cost(n) else kmsg_b = kmsg_b + 1 end if end do end do xave_b = sumx/sumw print("xave_b="+xave_b+" kmsg_b="+kmsg_b) ; Use calc as stated on http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/Built-in/wgt_areaave.shtml ; x_ave = sum(x*wgty*wgtx)/sum(wgty*wgtx) wgty = conform(x,cost, 0) ; (ny,mx) wgtx = conform(x, 1 ,-1) ; (ny,mx) ; NCL array computation x_ave = sum(x*wgty*wgtx)/sum(wgty*wgtx) print("[A] sum(x*wgty*wgtx)/sum(wgty*wgtx)="+x_ave+" not correct") ; (wgty*wgtx) not aware of when x@_FillValue WGTX = where(ismissing(x), 0.0, 1.0 ) WGTY = where(ismissing(x), 0.0, wgty) x_ave = sum(x*wgty*wgtx)/sum(WGTY*WGTX) print("[B] sum(x*wgty*wgtx)/sum(WGTY*WGTX)="+x_ave)Output
(0) xave_a=1.65685 kmsg_a=5 (0) xave_b=1.65685 kmsg_b=5 (0) [A] sum(x*wgty*wgtx)/sum(wgty*wgtx)=1.41421 not correct (0) [B] sum(x*wgty*wgtx)/sum(WGTY*WGTX)=1.65685