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Plot a sounding and (optionally) winds on Skew T, Log P charts created by skewT_BackGround.


load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"   ; These two libraries are automatically
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"    ; loaded from NCL V6.2.0 onward.
                                                           ; No need for user to explicitly load.

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/skewt_func.ncl" ; Still need to load this library.

	function skewT_PlotData (
		wks         : graphic,  
		skewt_bkgd  : graphic,  
		P           : numeric,  
		TC          : numeric,  
		TDC         : numeric,  
		Z           : numeric,  
		WSPD        : numeric,  
		WDIR        : numeric,  
		dataOpts    : logical   

	return_val  :  graphic



A Workstation identifier. The identifier is one returned either from calling gsn_open_wks or calling create to create a Workstation object.


The identifier returned from calling skewT_BackGround.


An array of pressure values (mb/hPa).


An array of the same length as P containing temperature values. By default these are assumed to be in Fahrenheit. If you are using Celsius, then you need to specify this by setting the dataOpts attribute DrawFahrenheit to False. TC@_FillValue may be set to identify missing values.


An array of the same length as P containing dew point temperature values. By default these are assumed to be in Fahrenheit. If you are using Celsius, then you need to specify this by setting the dataOpts attribute DrawFahrenheit to False. TDC@_FillValue may be set to identify missing values.


An array of the same length as P containing geopotential values (gpm). Z@_FillValue may be set to identify missing values.


An array of the same length as P containing wind speed values (knots or m/s). WSPD@_FillValue may be set to identify missing values.


An array of the same length as P containing meteorological wind direction values. WDIR@_FillValue may be set to identify missing values.


A variable containing an optional list of plot resources, attached as attributes. Set to True if you want the attached attributes to be applied, and False if you either don't have any resources to set, or you don't want the resources applied.

Return value

A plot identifier of the Skew T plot created is returned.


This function plots soundings on a Skew T, Log P background chart that was created by skewT_BackGround. For an overview of the information on a Skew T chart, see:

skewT_PlotData recognizes missing values as indicated via the _FillValue resource. It is required that the skewT_BackGround procedure be called before skewT_PlotData is used, since the position of the plot, the title font, and so forth are inherited from the settings for skewT_BackGround.

If wind speeds and directions are supplied in arguments WSPD and WDIR at places where pressures are missing, then, if geopotential values exist at those locations where pressures are missing the geopotential values are mapped (interpolated to) pressure values and the wind barbs are drawn at those pressures. These wind barbs are colored using the value of the resource "colWindZ".

There are a number of resources the user can set to alter the Skew T plot. All resource values unique to skewT_PlotData are reset to their defaults each time the function is called. For more information about how to use these resources, see the examples section below.

Resource name Default value Description
PrintZ True print geopotential (Z) on skewT diagram
PlotWindP True plot wind barbs at p lvls
WspdWdir True wind speed and dir [else: u,v]
PlotWindH False plot wind barbs at h lvls [pibal; special]
HspdHdir True wind speed and dir [else: u,v]
ThermoInfo True plot CAPE parcel profile if cape > 0
Parcel 0 subscript corresponding to initial parcel

See Also



For application examples, see the Skew T examples page.