Graphics routines
boxplot | Creates a boxplot. |
ColorNegDashZeroPosContour | Sets the negative contours to dashed, and colors the negative, positive, and zero contours to user-specified colors. |
ColorShadeLeGeContour |
Shades contour regions given low and high values and two colors. (Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.) |
create_graphic | Creates a graphic object |
draw | Draws the given graphical objects. |
drawNDCGrid | Draws NDC grid lines at 0.1 NDC coordinate intervals and labels them. |
geolocation_circle | Create latitudes and longitudes that define concentric circles at user specified distances from a central location. |
get_isolines | Retrieves the points that define a contour line. |
gsn_add_annotation | Attaches the given annotation to the given plot. |
gsn_add_polygon | Attaches a filled polygon to the given plot. |
gsn_add_polyline | Attaches a polyline to the given plot. |
gsn_add_polymarker | Attaches polymarkers to the given plot. |
gsn_add_shapefile_polygons | Attaches shapefile polygon data to the given plot(s) using randomly-filled polygons. |
gsn_add_shapefile_polylines | Attaches shapefile polyline or polygon data to the given plot(s) using polylines. |
gsn_add_shapefile_polymarkers | Attaches shapefile point data to the given plot(s) using polymarkers. |
gsn_add_text | Attaches text strings to the given plot. |
gsn_attach_plots | Attaches a series of plots to a base plot. |
gsn_blank_plot | Draws a blank plot with tickmarks pointing inward. |
gsn_contour | Creates and draws a contour plot. |
gsn_contour_map | Creates and draws a contour plot over a map. |
gsn_contour_shade | Shades contour regions given low and/or high values using colors or patterns. |
gsn_coordinates | Draws or attaches the data coordinate locations on the given plot as grid lines or markers. |
gsn_create_labelbar | Creates a labelbar. |
gsn_create_legend | Creates a legend. |
gsn_create_text | Creates text strings. |
gsn_csm_attach_zonal_means | Attaches a zonal means plot to a contour/map plot. |
gsn_csm_blank_plot | Draws a blank plot with tickmarks pointing outward. |
gsn_csm_contour | Creates and draws a contour plot. |
gsn_csm_contour_map | Creates and draws a contour plot over a map. |
gsn_csm_contour_map_ce | Creates and draws a contour plot over a cylindrical equidistant map. |
gsn_csm_contour_map_overlay | Creates and draws two contour plots over a map. |
gsn_csm_contour_map_polar | Creates and draws a contour plot over a polar stereographic map. |
gsn_csm_hov | Creates and draws a Hovmueller (time vs. longitude) plot. |
gsn_csm_lat_time | Creates and draws a latitude versus time plot. |
gsn_csm_map | Creates and draws a map. |
gsn_csm_map_ce | Creates and draws a cylindrical equidistant map. |
gsn_csm_map_polar | Creates and draws a polar stereographic map. |
gsn_csm_pres_hgt | Creates and draws a pressure/height plot. |
gsn_csm_pres_hgt_streamline | Creates and draws a pressure/height contour plot overlaid with streamlines. |
gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector | Creates and draws a pressure/height contour plot overlaid with vectors. |
gsn_csm_streamline | Creates and draws a streamline plot. |
gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map | Creates and draws streamlines over a contour plot over a map. |
gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_ce | Creates and draws streamlines over a contour plot over a cylindrical equidistant map. |
gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_polar | Creates and draws streamlines over a contour plot over a polar stereographic map. |
gsn_csm_streamline_map | Creates and draws a streamline plot over a map. |
gsn_csm_streamline_map_ce | Creates and draws a streamline plot over a cylindrical equidistant map. |
gsn_csm_streamline_map_polar | Creates and draws a streamline plot over a polar stereographic map. |
gsn_csm_streamline_scalar | Creates and draws a streamline plot, using a scalar field to color the streamlines. |
gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map | Creates and draws a streamline plot over a map, using a scalar field to color the streamlines. |
gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map_ce | Creates and draws a streamline plot over a cylindrical equidistant map, using a scalar field to color the streamlines. |
gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map_polar | Creates and draws a streamline plot over a polar stereographic map, using a scalar field to color the streamlines. |
gsn_csm_time_lat | Creates and draws a time versus latitude plot. |
gsn_csm_vector | Creates and draws a vector plot. |
gsn_csm_vector_map | Creates and draws a vector plot over a map. |
gsn_csm_vector_map_ce | Creates and draws a vector plot over a cylindrical equidistant map. |
gsn_csm_vector_map_polar | Creates and draws a vector plot over a polar stereographic map. |
gsn_csm_vector_scalar | Creates and draws a vector plot, and uses a scalar field to draw a separate contour plot or color the vectors. |
gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map | Creates and draws a vector plot over a map, and uses a scalar field to draw a separate contour plot or color the vectors. |
gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce | Creates and draws a vector plot over a cylindrical equidistant map projection, and uses a scalar field to draw a separate contour plot or color the vectors. |
gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_polar | Creates and draws a vector plot over a polar stereographic map projection, and uses a scalar field to draw a separate contour plot or color the vectors. |
gsn_csm_x2y | Creates and draws an XY plot with two different X axes. |
gsn_csm_x2y2 | Creates and draws an XY plot with two different XY axis pairs. |
gsn_csm_xy | Creates and draws an XY plot. |
gsn_csm_xy2 | Creates and draws an XY plot with two different Y axes. |
gsn_csm_xy3 | Creates and draws an XY plot with three different Y axes. |
gsn_csm_y | Creates and draws an XY plot, using index values for the X axis. |
gsn_histogram | Draws a histogram plot on the given workstation. |
gsn_labelbar_ndc | Draws a labelbar on the given workstation. |
gsn_legend_ndc | Draws a legend on the given workstation. |
gsn_map | Creates and draws a map. |
gsn_open_wks | Opens a workstation on which to draw graphics. |
gsn_panel | Draws multiple plots of identical size on a single frame. |
gsn_polygon | Draws a filled polygon on the given plot. |
gsn_polygon_ndc | Draws a filled polygon on the given workstation. |
gsn_polyline | Draws a polyline on the given plot. |
gsn_polyline_ndc | Draws a polyline on the given workstation. |
gsn_polymarker | Draws polymarkers on the given plot. |
gsn_polymarker_ndc | Draws polymarkers on the given workstation. |
gsn_streamline | Creates and draws a streamline plot. |
gsn_streamline_map | Creates and draws a streamline plot over a map. |
gsn_streamline_scalar | Creates and draws a streamline plot colored by a given scalar field. |
gsn_streamline_scalar_map | Creates and draws a streamline plot over a map, and colors the streamlines using the given scalar field. |
gsn_table | Draws a table with text. |
gsn_text | Draws text strings on the given plot. |
gsn_text_ndc | Draws text strings on the given workstation. |
gsn_vector | Creates and draws a vector plot. |
gsn_vector_map | Creates and draws a vector plot over a map. |
gsn_vector_scalar | Creates and draws a vector plot colored by a given scalar field. |
gsn_vector_scalar_map | Creates and draws a vector plot over a map, and colors the vectors using the given scalar field. |
gsn_xy | Creates and draws an XY plot. |
gsn_y | Creates and draws an XY plot, using index values for the X axis. |
infoTimeStamp | Draws two text strings at the bottom of the workstation to indicate the time the plot was created and other information. |
maximize_output | Maximizes the sizes of a series of plots drawn in a single frame. |
msgValOutline | Draws an outline around missing data in vector and streamline plots. |
ngezlogo | Draws the NCAR logo in the lower right corner of the given workstation. |
nggetp | Retrieves values for various parameters for the NCAR ngezlogo procedure. |
nglogo | Draws various NCAR and UCAR logos on the given workstation. |
ngsetp | Sets values for various parameters for the NCAR ngezlogo procedure. |
NhlAddAnnotation | Add annotations to a plot object as an external annotation. |
NhlAddOverlay | Overlays one plot object on another. |
NhlAddPrimitive | Adds a Primitive object to an existing plot. |
NhlDataPolygon | Draws a polygon using data coordinates. |
NhlDataPolyline | Draws a polyline using data coordinates. |
NhlDataPolymarker | Draws polymarkers using data coordinates. |
NhlDraw | Draws the given graphical objects. |
NhlNDCPolygon | Draws a polygon using NDC (Normalized Device Coordinate) units. |
NhlNDCPolyline | Draws a polyline using NDC (Normalized Device Coordinate) units. |
NhlNDCPolymarker | Draws polymarkers using NDC (Normalized Device Coordinate) units. |
NhlNewDashPattern | Adds new dash patterns to the existing table of dash patterns. |
NhlNewMarker | Adds new markers to the existing table of markers. |
NhlRemoveAnnotation | Remove annotations from the plot they are registered in. |
NhlRemoveOverlay | Removes one or more plots from an overlay. |
NhlRemovePrimitive | Removes one or more primitives from the given Transform object. |
NhlSetDashPattern | Sets the dash patterns for a given list of dash pattern indexes and workstations. |
NhlSetMarker | Sets the markers for a given list of marker indexes and workstations. |
overlay | Overlays one plot object on another. |
paleo_outline | Creates continental outlines from model orography data. |
pie_chart | Creates a basic pie chart. |
reset_device_coordinates | Resets the PS/PDF device coordinates back to their default values. |
setColorContourClear | Sets the color contours between two given levels to transparent. |
ShadeCOI | Adds the cone of influence as a shaded polygon. |
ShadeGeLeContour |
Shades contour regions given low and high values and a shade pattern. (Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.) |
ShadeGtContour |
Shades contour regions above a given value with the given fill pattern. (Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.) |
ShadeLtContour |
Shades contour regions below a given value with the given fill pattern. (Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.) |
ShadeLtGtContour |
Shades contour regions below a given value and above a given value with the specified fill patterns. (Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.) |
simple_legend | Creates a legend based on user supplied resources. |
simple_legend_ndc | Creates a legend in NDC space based on user supplied resources. |
skewT_BackGround | Creates a background chart for Skew T, Log P plotting. |
skewT_PlotData | Plot a sounding and (optionally) winds on Skew T, Log P charts created by skewT_BackGround. |
symMinMaxPlt | Calculates the minimum/maximum values for a variable and uses nice_mnmxintvl to calculate the symmetric contour interval. |
tdclrs | Defines a set of colors for use with selected TDPACK routines. |
tdctri | Cuts the triangles in a triangle list with a plane perpendicular to an axis (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdcudp | Not yet implemented. |
tdcurv | Draws the projection of a curve defined by an array of points in 3-space. |
tddtri | Draws triangles defined by a triangle list (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdez2d | Draws a surface on the specified workstation. |
tdez3d | Draws an isosurface on the specified workstation. |
tdgetp | Retrieves TDPACK parameter values. |
tdgrds | Draws perimeters, ticks, and grid lines on the six sides of a box (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdgrid | Draws a grid on a particular face of a box in 3-space (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdgtrs | Gets the definition of a specified rendering style (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdinit | Defines eye position, line of sight, up direction, and stereo flag for selected TDPACK routines. |
tditri | Adds triangles defining an isosurface to a triangle list (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdlbla | Draws labels for a particular face of a box in 3-space (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdlblp | Not yet implemented. |
tdlbls | Draws labels for all faces of a box in 3-space (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdline | Draws the projection of a solid line in 3-space (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdlndp | Not yet implemented. |
tdlnpa | Draws the projection of a line joining two points in the reference parallelogram (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdlpdp | Not yet implemented. |
tdmtri | Adds triangles defining a 3D marker to a triangle list for use with selected TDPACK routines. |
tdotri | Orders the triangles in a triangle list for proper rendering (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdpara | Defines the reference parallelogram for use with selected TDPACK routines. |
tdplch | Draws a string in the plane of the reference parallelogram (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdprpa | Retrieves the coordinates of a projection in the projection plane, given the parallelogram coordinates of a point (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdprpi | Retrieves the parallelogram coordinates of a point in the reference parallelogram, given a point in the projection plane (for use with selected TDPACK routines.) |
tdprpt | Retrieves the coordinates of its projection in the projection plane, given the coordinates of a point in 3-space (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdsetp | Sets TDPACK parameter values. |
tdsort | Sorts an array (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdstri | Adds triangles defining a simple surface to a triangle list (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdstrs | Sets the values defining a selected rendering style (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
tdttri | Adds triangles defining a trajectory to a triangle list (for use with selected TDPACK routines). |
WindRoseBasic | Plots a basic wind rose. |
WindRoseColor | Plot a wind rose diagram where different colors are used to differentiate speed ranges. |
WindRoseThickLine | Plot a black and white wind rose diagram where different line thicknesses are used to differentiate speed ranges. |
wmbarb | Draws wind barbs on the given workstation. |
wmbarbmap | Draws wind barbs over maps. |
wmdrft | Draws weather front lines on the given workstation. |
wmgetp | Retrieves parameter values for selected Wmap routines. |
wmlabs | Plots special symbols and icons for daily weather. |
wmsetp | Sets parameter values for selected Wmap routines. |
wmstnm | Plots station model data on the given workstation. |
wmvect | Draws vectors on the given workstation. |
wmvectmap | Draws vectors over maps. |
wmvlbl | Draws an informational label box for plots produced by wmvect or wmvectmap. |
wrf_contour | Creates a contour plot from ARW WRF model output. |
wrf_map | Creates a map background for ARW WRF model data. |
wrf_map_overlay | Overlays WRF plot(s) on a WRF-ARW map background (deprecated). |
wrf_map_overlays | Overlays contour and vector plots on a WRF-ARW map background. |
wrf_map_resources | Sets map plotting resources based on an input WRF-ARW file. |
wrf_map_zoom | Zooms into a portion of the ARW WRF model domain, and creates a map background (deprecated). |
wrf_overlay | Overlays multiple plots created from other WRF-ARW plot functions (deprecated). |
wrf_overlays | Overlays multiple plots, created from other ARW WRF plot functions. |
wrf_vector | Creates a vector plot from ARW WRF model output. |