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Cuts the triangles in a triangle list with a plane perpendicular to an axis (for use with selected TDPACK routines).

Available in version 4.3.1 and later.


	procedure tdctri (
		rtri [*][10] : float,    
		ntri     [1] : integer,  
		axis     [1] : integer,  
		rcut     [1] : float     



A float input/output array, dimensioned mtri x 10, in which a list of triangles has been stored, probably by means of calls to tdstri and/or tditri. The number of triangles in the list may increase as a result of calling tdctri.


An input/output integer specifying the number of triangles currently in the triangle list. It is the user's responsibility to zero this initially; its value is increased by each call to a triangle-generating routine like tdstri or tditri and may be increased by calls to tdctri or tdotri.


An integer scalar specifying which axis the "cut plane" is to be perpendicular to. The value 1 implies the U axis, the value 2 the V axis, and the value 3 the W axis.


A scalar float specifying where along the axis specified by axis the "cut plane" is to pass through that axis.


This routine is part of the low-level TDPACK package, which is a group of Fortran and C callable routines for projecting objects from a 3-dimensional coordinate system having U, V, and W axes to a 2-dimensional projection plane having X and Y axes and/or for drawing the projections of those objects. This can be referred to somewhat loosely as "drawing objects in three dimensions".

This routine, given a list of ntri triangles in the array rtri and a couple of arguments specifying a plane perpendicular to one of the axes, finds all the triangles in the list that intersect that plane. Each such triangle is broken into smaller triangles which lie entirely on one side of the plane and those triangles replace it in the list.

The object of calling tdctri is to slice a surface up in such a way that its rendering can be made in some way dependent on the position of the surface.

See Also

Initialization routines: tdinit, tdpara, tdclrs

Parameter access routines: tdgetp, tdgtrs, tdsetp, tdstrs

Point transforming routines: tdprpt, tdprpa, tdprpi

Line drawing routines: tdline, tdlndp, tdlnpa, tdlpdp, tdcurv, tdcudp

Grid drawing routines: tdgrds, tdgrid

Label drawing routines: tdlbls, tdlbla, tdlblp, tdplch

Surface drawing routines: tddtri, tdstri, tditri, tdmtri, tdttri, tdotri, tdsort

Simplified interface routines: tdez2d, tdez3d


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