NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > NCL object routines, Graphics routines


Removes one or more plots from an overlay.


	procedure NhlRemoveOverlay (
		base_id [1] : graphic,  
		plot_id [*] : graphic,  
		restore [1] : logical   



A reference to an NCL plot that is the base of an overlay.


An array of one or more plots to be removed from the base.


A scalar logical value. If True and the member plot initially was a base plot of an overlay with its own members, the member plots are returned to the plot being removed.


This procedure removes all of the elements of the plot_id array from the base_id plot and applies the restore value to each element. The restore parameter dictates how overlay elements that are themselves overlay bases handle their members. (See the HLU PlotManager description for more detail about overlays.)

See Also



Example 1

This example creates a map plot and overlays vectors and contours using NhlAddOverlay. It then uses NhlRemoveOverlay to remove the vectors and redraw the plot (for illustration only).
  MSIZE = 73
  NSIZE = 73
  NROWS = 11

; Define our own colormap.
  cmap = (/(/1.0,1.0,1.0/), \
           (/0.0,0.0,0.0/), \
           (/0.9,0.9,0.9/), \
           (/0.6,0.6,0.6/), \
           (/0.3,0.3,0.3/), \
           (/0.8,0.9,1.0/), \
           (/0.5,0.0,0.5/), \
           (/0.0,0.5,0.7/), \
           (/0.0,0.0,0.0/), \
           (/0.00000,1.00000,0.00000/), \
           (/0.14286,1.00000,0.00000/), \
           (/0.28571,1.00000,0.00000/), \
           (/0.42857,1.00000,0.00000/), \
           (/0.57143,1.00000,0.00000/), \
           (/0.71429,1.00000,0.00000/), \
           (/0.85714,1.00000,0.00000/), \
           (/1.00000,1.00000,0.00000/), \
           (/1.00000,0.85714,0.00000/), \
           (/1.00000,0.71429,0.00000/), \
           (/1.00000,0.57143,0.00000/), \
           (/1.00000,0.42857,0.00000/), \
           (/1.00000,0.28571,0.00000/), \
           (/1.00000,0.14286,0.00000/), \
           (/1.00000,0.00000,0.00000/) /)
; Create an ncgmWorkstation object.
  wks = create "vc07Work" xWorkstationClass defaultapp
    "wkColorMap" : cmap
  end create

; Read the data file.
;   data(0,:,:) is U
;   data(1,:,:) is V
;   data(2,:,:) is P
  path = ncargpath("examples")
  data = asciiread(path + "/fcover.dat",(/3,73,73/),"float")
  data@_FillValue = -9999.0
; Massage the data to eliminate surplus of vectors near the pole
  ithin = (/90,15,5,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,2/)
  do j=1,NROWS
    data(0,NSIZE-j,ind(ispan(1,MSIZE,1) % ithin(j-1) .ne. 0)) = -9999.0
  end do

; Create a MapPlot object.
  map = create "mapplot" mapPlotClass wks
    "vpXF"                    : 0.05
    "vpYF"                    : 0.95
    "vpWidthF"                : 0.9
    "vpHeightF"               : 0.9

    "mpProjection"            : "Stereographic"
    "mpCenterLatF"            : 90.0
    "mpCenterLonF"            : 180.0
    "mpCenterRotF"            : 45.0
    "mpFillOn"                : True
    "mpGridAndLimbDrawOrder"  : "Draw"
    "mpGridLineDashPattern"   : 5
    "mpLabelsOn"              : False
    "mpLimitMode"             : "Corners"

    "mpLeftCornerLatF"        : 10.
    "mpLeftCornerLonF"        : -180.
    "mpRightCornerLatF"       : 10.
    "mpRightCornerLonF"       : 0.

    "mpLandFillColor"         : 3
    "mpOceanFillColor"        : 7
    "mpInlandWaterFillColor"  : 7
  end create

; Create a ScalarField object.
  sfield = create "ScalarField" scalarFieldClass defaultapp
    "sfDataArray"     : data(2,:,:)
    "sfMissingValueV" : data@_FillValue
    "sfXCStartV"      : -180.
    "sfYCStartV"      : -90.
    "sfXCEndV"        : 180.
    "sfYCEndV"        : 90.
  end create
; Create a VectorField object.
  vfield = create "VectorField" vectorFieldClass defaultapp
    "vfMissingUValueV" : -9999.0
    "vfMissingVValueV" : -9999.0

    "vfUDataArray"     : data(0,:,:)
    "vfVDataArray"     : data(1,:,:)
    "vfXCStartV"       : -180.
    "vfYCStartV"       :  -90.
    "vfXCEndV"         :  180.
    "vfYCEndV"         :   90.
  end create

; Create a VectorPlot object.
  vector = create "vectorplot" vectorPlotClass wks
    "vcUseScalarArray"         :  True
    "vcVectorFieldData"        :  vfield
    "vcScalarFieldData"        :  sfield
    "vcLevelSelectionMode"     : "ManualLevels"
    "vcMinLevelValF"           : 970.
    "vcMaxLevelValF"           : 1040.
    "vcLevelSpacingF"          : 5.
    "vcLevelColors"            : ispan(9,23,1)
    "vcLineArrowHeadMinSizeF"  :  0.007
    "vcLineArrowThicknessF"    : 3.0
    "vcMaxLevelCount"          : 15
    "vcMinFracLengthF"         : 0.4
    "vcMonoLineArrowColor"     : False
    "vcRefAnnoOn"              : False
    "vcRefLengthF"             : 0.054794524
  end create

  getvalues vector
    "vcMinMagnitudeF": vmin
    "vcMaxMagnitudeF": vmax
  end getvalues

  setvalues vector
    "vcMinMagnitudeF": vmin + 0.1 * (vmax - vmin)
  end setvalues

; Create a ContourPlot object.
  contour = create "contourplot" contourPlotClass wks
    "cnScalarFieldData"          : sfield
    "cnInfoLabelOn"              : False
    "cnLineColor"                : 6
    "cnLineLabelPerimOn"         : False
    "cnLineLabelsOn"             : False
    "cnLineThicknessF"           : 3.0
    "cnMaxLevelCount"            : 20
  end create

; Overlay the vectors and the contours on the map and draw
; everything.


; Remove the vector overlay and redraw the plot.