NCL object routines
attsetvalues | Applies resources to the given objects. |
create_graphic | Creates a graphic object |
destroy | Destroys objects from NCL. |
get_isolines | Retrieves the points that define a contour line. |
list_hlus | Lists all of the HLU objects currently referenced by NCL variables. |
NhlAddAnnotation | Add annotations to a plot object as an external annotation. |
NhlAddData | Adds one or more additional data items to a plot. |
NhlAddOverlay | Overlays one plot object on another. |
NhlAddPrimitive | Adds a Primitive object to an existing plot. |
NhlAppGetDefaultParentId | Returns a reference to the current default App object. |
NhlClassName | Retrieve the class name of one or more NCL objects. |
NhlDestroy | Destroys objects from NCL. |
NhlGetBB | Retrieves the bounding boxes of a list of NCL objects. |
NhlGetClassResources | Returns a list of resources associated with the given class name and an optional filter string. |
NhlGetErrorObjectId | Returns a reference to the current Error object. |
NhlGetParentId | Returns the ids of the parent ids of the given objects. |
NhlGetWorkspaceObjectId | Returns a reference to the current Workspace object. |
NhlIsApp | Returns True for each given object that is an App object. |
NhlIsDataComm | Returns True for each given object that is a DataComm object. |
NhlIsDataItem | Returns True for each given object that is a DataItem object. |
NhlIsDataSpec | Returns True for each given object that is a DataSpec object. |
NhlIsTransform | Returns True for each given object that is a Transform object. |
NhlIsView | Returns True for each given object that is a View object. |
NhlName | Retrieves the name of one or more NCL objects. |
NhlRemoveAnnotation | Remove annotations from the plot they are registered in. |
NhlRemoveData | Removes data items from one or more plots. |
NhlRemoveOverlay | Removes one or more plots from an overlay. |
NhlRemovePrimitive | Removes one or more primitives from the given Transform object. |
NhlUpdateData | Forces the DataComm instances to update their internal states. |
overlay | Overlays one plot object on another. |