Removes data items from one or more plots.
procedure NhlRemoveData ( plot_objs [*] : graphic, resname [1] : string, data_objs [*] : graphic )
plot_objsAn array of one or more plot ids from which data are to be removed.
resnameThe resource name from which the data should be removed.
data_objsAn array of one or more DataItem instances to be removed from each of the given plot_objs.
The NhlRemoveData procedure removes one or more DataItem instances from one or more plots, given the resource name from which the data should be removed.
The data items being removed should have been added with the NhlAddData function, or added using the create or setvalues statements.
See Also
This example shows how to create an XY plot with a single curve, and then use NhlAddData to add additional curves. It then uses NhlRemoveData to remove some of the curves (just for illustration on how to do this).
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" begin ; ; Create array to contain dataitem ids. ; ncurve = 10 npts = 100 dataids = new(ncurve-1,graphic) addids = new(ncurve-1,graphic) ; ; Initialize some dummy data for the xy plot. ; ii = tofloat(conform_dims((/ncurve,npts/),ispan(0,npts-1,1),1)) jj = tofloat(conform_dims((/ncurve,npts/),ispan(1,ncurve,1),0)) pi = 3.14159 y = jj*sin((2.*ii*pi)/((npts-((jj-1)*10)-1))) delete([/ii,jj/]) ; ; Begin graphics section. ; wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","adddata") ; open workstation res = True res@gsnMaximize = True res@gsnDraw = False res@gsnFrame = False res@trYMinF = min(y) ; Make sure we have room to plot res@trYMaxF = max(y) ; all curves. res@xyLineColor = 2 res@xyLineThicknessF = 2. ; ; Create XY plot, but don't draw it yet. ; xy = gsn_y(wks,y(0,:),res) ; ; Loop through each curve. For each remaining curve, create ; the data object and add it to the existing XY plot. ; do i=1,ncurve-1 ; ; Create data object. ; dataids(i-1) = create "xyData"+i coordArraysClass defaultapp "caYArray": y(i,0:(npts-i*10)-1) end create ; ; Add to existing plot. ; addids(i-1) = NhlAddData(xy,"xyCoordData",dataids(i-1)) ; ; Set some resources for this particular curve. ; setvalues addids(i-1) "xyLineColor" : i+3 "xyLineThicknessF" : 1.02*(i+2) end setvalues end do ; ; Now draw the plot and advance the frame. You should see all ; ten curves, each with a different color and thickness. ; draw(xy) frame(wks) ; ; Remove every other data item and redraw. ; You should see only five curves now. ; NhlRemoveData(xy,"xyCoordData",dataids(::2)) draw(xy) frame(wks) end