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Add annotations to a plot object as an external annotation.


	function NhlAddAnnotation (
		plot_id      [1] : graphic,  
		anno_view_id [*] : graphic   

	return_val [dimsizes(anno_view_id)] :  graphic



A reference to a plot object to which the annotation is to be added.

Plot objects are created by using one of the many gsn functions, or by calling the NCL create language construct.


One or more view objects to be added as an annotation of plot_id. A view object is just basically another plot object.

Return value

The return value is a multi-dimensional array, where each element contains a reference to an AnnoManager object created during the call. Each element in anno_view_id is added to the plot_id.


This function adds one or more views to a plot as annotations. You need to use AnnoManager resources in order to control how the views are added to the plot. When you add an annotation to a plot, then when you resize the plot, the annotations will be resized accordingly.

See Also



Example 1

This example shows how to use NhlAddAnnotation to add a labelbar to a plot, and then NhlRemoveAnnotation to remove it.

Of course, you automatically get a labelbar if you set "pmLabelBarDisplayMode" to "Always" (or if you use one of the gsn_csm plotting functions and you set "cnFillOn" to True) , but this shows you how to do this in case you want to have ultimate control over the labelbar.

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"

; Open a netCDF file and pull off the some temperature data.
  datadir = ncargpath("data")
  datafile = datadir + "/cdf/meccatemp.cdf"
  n = addfile(datafile,"r")
  t = n->t(0,:,:)

  wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","annotation")

  res                     = True
  res@gsnAddCyclic        = False
  res@gsnMaximize         = True
  res@gsnDraw             = False
  res@gsnFrame            = False

  res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
  res@cnMinLevelValF      =  195.0
  res@cnMaxLevelValF      =  328.0
  res@cnLevelSpacingF     = 2.25
  res@cnFillOn            = True
  res@cnLinesOn           = False
  res@cnLineLabelsOn      = False
  res@cnInfoLabelOn       = False
  res@mpGridAndLimbOn     = False

  res@lbLabelBarOn        = False    ; Make sure the default labelbar 
                                     ; isn't drawn.
  plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,t,res)

; Get some resource values and use these to create a labelbar.
  getvalues plot@contour
    "cnLevels"               : levels
    "cnFillColors"           : colors
    "cnInfoLabelFontHeightF" : font_height
  end getvalues

  labels = "" + levels       ; Convert levels to a string array. This is 
                             ; not necessary, but it gets rid of the 
                             ; annoying error message about coercing types.

  lbres                    = True      ; Set up a resource list for the labelbar.
  lbres@vpWidthF           = 0.8
  lbres@vpHeightF          = 0.1
  lbres@lbBoxLinesOn       = False
  lbres@lbFillColors       = colors
  lbres@lbMonoFillPattern  = True

  lbres@lbOrientation      = "Horizontal"
  lbres@lbPerimOn          = False

  lbres@lbLabelFontHeightF = font_height

  lbid = gsn_create_labelbar_ndc(wks,dimsizes(levels)+1,labels,0.1,0.1,lbres)

  annoid = NhlAddAnnotation(plot,lbid)

; If you draw the plot at this point, labelbar will be in the
; middle of the plot, because this is the default.

; Default was that labelbar appeared in center of plot.
; Change the zone to 2 so the labelbar is outside the
; plot then center it under plot and move it down a smidge.
  setvalues annoid
    "amZone"           : 2
    "amParallelPosF"   : 0.5            ; Center labelbar.
    "amOrthogonalPosF" : 0.1            ; Move down, away from plot
    "amResizeNotify"   : True           ; Allow resize if plot resized.
  end setvalues


; Watch how labelbar automatically resizes if you resize the plot.
  setvalues plot
    "vpWidthF"  : 0.4
    "vpHeightF" : 0.2
  end setvalues


; Remove annotation and redraw plot. Labelbar will be gone.

